College of Graduate Studies and Office of Research
College of Graduate Studies Office of Research NEW FACULTY RESEARCH PRESENTATION Dr. Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Dean, College of Graduate Studies Professor of Sociology Jeffry Porter Director, Office of Research Services
College of Graduate Studies Office of Research INGRAM BUILDING College of Graduate Studies Office of Research Human Resources
College of Graduate Studies Rick Henegar Director of Graduate Admissions Glenda Vandygrift Graduate Analyst Felisia Griner Graduate Analyst Anita Hermes Senior Graduate Analyst Grace James Graduate Analyst Mandy Pinkston Graduate Analyst Jackie Eller Interim Dean College of Graduate Studies Scott Handy Interim Associate Dean Lisa Mitchell Specialist Melissa Hawkins Admin Assistant Lyndsey Bennett Executive Aide Janet Kelly (on leave) Enrollment Management Specialist Vacant Faculty Assistant to the Dean Isaac Taylor Graduate Analyst (International) Meghan Lunders Immigration Specialist
College of Graduate Studies GRADUATE FACULTY STATUS Apply if working with graduate students in any capacity Meet general criteria of CGS or those in your department -- /faculty/council.php Renewed every five years!
Office of Research
Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost URECAIPACJIDS
Office of Research FRCAC URECA Faculty Research and Creative Activity Undergraduate Research Experience and Creative Activity VPR Graduate Student Travel and Grant-Writing GA’s Stark Forest Grants ORS Research Matching Funds Office of Research Indirect Recovery Funds Internal Funding to Support Research
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Pre-Award Support Post-Award Support Julie Gannon ORS Coordinator Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost URECAIPACJIDS
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Pre-Award Support Samantha Cantrell JCOB CMC CLA CBHS Sharon Brown-Smith CBAS COE Post-Award Support Award Management Specialist Julie Gannon ORS Coordinator Award Management Specialist Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost Rose Johnson Grant Support Analyst URECAIPACJIDS Grants Accounting
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Pre-Award Support Samantha Cantrell JCOB CMC CLA CBHS Sharon Brown-Smith CBAS COE Post-Award Support Award Management Specialist Julie Gannon ORS Coordinator Award Management Specialist Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost Rose Johnson Grant Support Analyst URECAIPACJIDS Grants Accounting
Office of Research Facilitate Collaboration On- and Off-Campus Identify Funding Opportunities Prepare and Submit Proposals Pre-Award Support Monitor Faculty Research Interests Direct Support to Individual Faculty and Teams Facilitate New and Existing Centers
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Pre-Award Support Samantha Cantrell JCOB CMC CLA CBHS Sharon Brown-Smith CBAS COE Post-Award Support Award Management Specialist Julie Gannon ORS Coordinator Award Management Specialist Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost Rose Johnson Grant Support Analyst URECAIPACJIDS Grants Accounting
Office of Research Jackie Eller Interim Vice Provost for Research Melissa Hawkins Administrative Assistant RCR IACUCIRB FRCAC Todd Gary Research Strategies Moses Prabu Office of Compliance and Internal Grants Pre-Award Support Samantha Cantrell JCOB CMC CLA CBHS Sharon Brown-Smith CBAS COE Post-Award Support Award Management Specialist Julie Gannon ORS Coordinator Award Management Specialist Jeff Porter Director, ORS Andrienne Friedli Ass’t Vice Provost Rose Johnson Grant Support Analyst URECAIPACJIDS Grants Accounting
Office of Research
Count of Proposals Submitted by Type, FY11 – FY15
Count of Awards by Type, FY11 – FY15
Total Award $ Values by Type, FY11 – FY15
Federal 36% MTSU 29% State/Local Gov’t 26% Non-Profit 5% Business 4% FY14 Research Expenditures: $4.334 M $1.564M
FY14 MTSU 29% 37% Accounted Cost Share 28% Other (e.g. start-ups) 35% Unrecovered Indirect Costs
Office of Research Recognition of scholar/teachers Scholar’s Week, Summer Research Celebration,IP dinner, Appreciation Breakfasts Important that we support faculty doing sponsored research and creative activities
College of Graduate Studies Office of Research QUESTIONS? x5010