WHEEL & AXLE By: Professor Jenkins October 28, 2010
INFORMATION STATION The wheel and axle is a simple machine. A wheel and axle is a modified lever of the first class [1] that rotates in a circle around a center point or fulcrum. The larger wheel (or outside) rotates around the smaller wheel (axle). Bicycle wheels, ferris wheels, and gears are all examples of a wheel and axle. Wheels can also have a solid shaft with the center core as the axle such as a screwdriver or drill bit or the log in a log rolling contest.simple machinelever [1]fulcrumwheelaxleferris wheelsgearsshaft screwdriverdrill bitloglog rolling The traditional form as recognized in 19th century textbooks is as shown in the image. This
PRETEST: List three types of wheel and axle
In 2-3 sentences explain what you’ve learned about wheel and axle