20 years of experience with transformation of state property to private property in Slovakia High Level MeetingANNA BUBENIKOVA of the State Ownership AuthoritiesNational Property Fund Sept., Ljubljana, SloveniaSlovak Republic
Privatisation process in Slovakia National Property Fund functions Corporate Governance implementation
SLOVAKIA in 1991 great expectations for historical change state´s dominance elimination quick prosperity
SMALL PRIVATISATION goal create small and middle enterprises method public auctions
LARGE PRIVATISATION goal transfer substantial part of the state- owned property methods voucher privatization direct sale public auctions public tenders
VOUCHER PRIVATISATION positives citizens´collective investment lowered risk of corruption negatives atomized property no strategic shareholder
SLOVAKIA 1994 – 1998 unexperienced domestic investors low purchase price stagnation and decapitalization
NATIONAL PROPERTY FUND facilitate privatisation establish joint-stock companies exercise shareholder rights
ownership before transformation after transformation revenues from dividends revenues from taxes other benefits 100 % private lossprofitNOYESemployment 100 % state lossxNO potential source state + stragegic investor lossprofitYES satisfactory purchase price
MISTAKES IN PRIVATISATION inappropriate method insufficient institutional framework unexperienced domestic investors misuse of the situation
Implemented CG principles Equitable treatment of shareholders standard shareholder rights for the Fund autonomous decision making for companies protection of minority shareholders selection procedure rules on the website
Implemented CG principles Integrity and ethical behaviour proved moral integrity Interests of other stakeholders no privileged position effective debt recovery for creditors no exceptions from the law
Implemented CG principles Responsibilities of the board accountability of members regular reports to shareholders strategic, business, financial planning
Implemented CG principles Disclosure and transparency collection of documents publicly accessible remuneration disclosure internal audit
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