CIM LAB MEETING Presentation on UML Rakesh Mopidevi Kwangyeol Ryu
Overview Static and Dynamic diagrams of UML with the example of a simple scenario Why UML
Use Case Diagram Graphical view of some or all to the actors, use cases, and their interactions identified for a system Address static use case view of system Especially important in organizing and modeling the behaviors of the system
Use Case sequence of transactions performed by a system that yields a measurable result of values for a particular actor A use case describes what a system does but it does not specify how it does it
Example Assembly sends order to the supplier
Use case diagram
Flow of Events Description of events needed to accomplish the required behavior of the use case Written in terms of what the system should do, not how the system does it It is written in the language of domain, not in terms of implementation
Flow of Events Flow of events for Place Order use case Main flow: This use case begins when the Assembly sends an order to the supplier and ends when the supply reaches the assembly. Interactions: The order status use case has a bidirectional association relation with the Assembly actor and Supplier actor. Data Needed: The use case needs all the data related to the order dates and quantity. Normal flow of events: If the required quantity as per the order is available at the supplier then order is passed to it and the order status is kept track of. Alternate Flow: If the required quantity as per the order is not available at the supplier then order is sent back.
CLASS DIAGRAMS Show a set of classes and their relationships Most common diagram found in modeling object-oriented systems Address the static design view of a system
Class Diagram I
Interaction Diagrams Shows an interaction, consisting of a set of objects and their relationships, including the messages that may be dispatched among them Address dynamic view of system Sequence and collaboration diagrams are kinds of interaction diagrams
Interaction diagrams Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time- ordering of messages Collaboration diagram emphasizes the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages These two diagrams are isomorphic
Sequence diagram
Collaboration diagram
Activity Diagram Shows the flow from activity to activity within a system Address the dynamic view of the system Important in modeling the function of a system and emphasize the flow of control among objects
Activity diagram
UML Features Enable the modeling of systems (and not just software) using Object-Oriented Concepts Semantics come from Booch, OMT (Object Modeling Technique), OOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) Support package concept refine model iteratively Unify the Perspectives among many different kinds of systems (business versus software), development phases (requirements analysis, design, and implementation), and internal concepts manage models with one file Structural diagrams: class, object, component, deployment diagram Behavior diagrams: use case, sequence, activity, collaboration, statechart diagram Model management diagrams: package, subsystem, and models
UML Features (cont’d) Automatic (skeleton) Source Code Generation Supporting language: C/C++/C#, VB, Java, Ada, etc. Supporting middleware: CORBA XML_DTD Generate tools for Reverse Engineering Code UML model Web pages with ASP/JSP UML model Use the OCL (Object Constraint Language) Describe additional constraints about the objects in the model
UML Features (cont’d) Support MDA (Model Driven Architecture) Address the complete life cycle of designing, deploying, integrating, and managing applications as well as data using open standards Provide an open, vendor-neutral approach to the challenge of interoperability UML TM, XMI TM /XML, CORBA TM MOF : Meta Object Facility CWM : Common Warehouse Metamodel