Working with Communities to Minimise Flood Risk Chris Murray Head of Strategic Planning
Progress on working with communities Update on schemes Funding challenges The way ahead … catchment based approach But first a re-cap about our role as lead local flood authority …
Lead Local Flood Authority responsibilities A ‘power’ to Investigate flooding - in line with the flood investigations policy Ability to submit funding bids for flood alleviation schemes Develop and maintain a Local FRM Strategy Emergency response Co-ordination of incidents Providing sandbags/emergency equipment Requirement to undertake flood alleviation scheme for all incidents of flooding A ‘duty’ to consent certain works on ordinary watercourses A ‘power’ to enforce unconsented works on ordinary watercourses A ‘power’ to enforce maintenance on ordinary watercourses Consenting works adjacent to a ordinary watercourse Consenting works on main rivers Enforcing all unconsented works Maintenance responsibilities Statutory consultee for major planning application development in relation to surface water drainage Responding on all flood risk related issues Determining planning applications Long-term maintenance/adoption of SuDS features
How we work with communities.. Support development of Flood Action Groups Support preparation of local Emergency Community Plans Work with individuals to help themselves through Property Level Protection Encourage Flood Action Groups to collaborate in support of achieving more joined up / bigger picture approach
How local communities can help… Develop local action plans, set out flood risk reduction measures, identifying local leads & useful contacts etc. Encourage Riparian Owners to fulfil responsibilities Specific action by parish or town councils - where appropriate
Schemes within Hampshire
Flooding studies and schemes Bourne Valley Small Schemes pathfinder to fund up to feasibility study Farringdon /A32 Romsey Hambledon Works being undertaken on site to alleviate flooding Buckskin Winchester Water Lane project lead by WCC almost complete Park Avenue proposal to start April 2016 Wickham North Gorley Candovers
Romsey Short Term actions completed: Ditch clearance throughout Romsey Feasibility study to explore options Repairs to riverbanks and structures Local Flood Action Groups established Initial assessment to join all proposals for Romsey into a single package Joint approach from all risk management authorities
Farringdon/A32 Affected 13 properties and a significant section of road Two university projects working on flood modelling & the wider cost implications Flood Action Group established FAG, Councillors and Officers in joint approach to look at the longer term options for managing or mitigating flood risk
Buckskin Multi- agency flood group continued Local Flood Action Group developed a flood response plan Number of short term actions - clearing existing infrastructure, reconstructing soakaways, relocation of electricity substation Now focussing on longer term flood mitigation Options appraisal undertaken Feasibility study being completed
Candovers Actions by HCC, riparian landowners, parish council and the EA has helped.. Improve network of ditches Improve/increase the highway drainage network HCC commissioned a detailed feasibility study Hydraulic modelling completed for Preston Candover downstream to the village of Northington To understood the catchment as a whole and the implications of upstream measures Outcomes to be discussed with parish council and Flood Action Group
North Gorley Joint work between HCC, Natural England & local residents helped… Address SSSI designation issues with watercourse cleared by February 2015 Reduced the individual burden on riparian owners to get permission separately from Natural England Future role for parish council?
Wickham Multi- agency flood group including community representatives Flooding report published providing better understanding of flood risk mechanisms Recommendations from report being considered Southern Water looking at Drainage Area Plan for Wickham
Funding challenge National funding (Defra) mechanisms not suited to rural groundwater flooding event – thresholds not met Engaged with Defra & EA to investigate alternative ways of assessing impacts & fund allocation Successful bid for the Defra ‘Small Scheme pathfinder projects’ for Bourne Valley (£77,500 for feasibility) - combines a number of small scale projects in a ‘catchment’ approach to show cost/benefit University project in Farringdon - how full costs of flooding are calculated - specifically socio-economic costs rather than direct damages HCC exploring new sources of funding for flood risk - Local Growth Fund Opportunities, Biodiversity projects, CIL etc. Indicative funding allocated from Grant in Aid and/or Local Levy for 12 schemes
Catchment Approach Moves from administrative boundary approach to a river catchment approach Holistic approach to ensure flood risk not transferred downstream Acknowledges that flooding is not always from one source - often requires a multi-agency approach Maximises the potential for national funding by packaging proposals Recognises the importance of local community input and knowledge Developed from the Test and Itchen pilot areas
Policy Framework Guidance on how to develop a catchment-based approach & which organisations should be involved Likely to be a range of measures and options varying in size, complexity & timescale Identifies a hierarchy of actions - some require more resources and funding Catchment Plans to be prepared which will lead to specific Action Plans
Questions from the floor
Refreshment Break