E nhancing Value from E SG Jaideep Das Partner, ERM
Client: Confidential PE client looking to acquire Target: Global Food & Beverages Manufacturer Continuity of supply concerns over the availability of key raw materials (e.g. from over fishing), which could drive up costs or require substitution Constraints to grow operations in water stressed regions (£1million+ to source alternate supplies) Business continuity issues due to susceptibility of a major production site and logistics centre to flooding Brand and reputation management through strategy, communication and engagement with stakeholders e.g. Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Acquisition: Material Impacts to Valuation & SPA
Ownership: Enhancing Value through Initiatives Client: Confidential PE Client Company: European Industrial Equipment Manufacturer Cost reduction through resource efficiency at four production sites (energy and carbon reductions of 20%) Accessing supply chain opportunities by working with procurement and design teams to drive product optimisation (10% reduction in product carbon footprint) Gaining competitive advantage from a lower carbon product offering to sensitive B2B customers Minimising product compliance risks from emerging regulations for managing hazardous substances used in product manufacture