Legal Research on the ‘Net: 10 + Sites You’ll Need To Know UNH Law’s Legal Research Bootcamp 2014
Leverage the helpful stuff around you Get your public library card (can use print collections and electronic databases) Use Lexis and Westlaw (make sure you know the limitations for summer use) Use CaseMakerXCaseMakerX If you are going to a firm or corporation or even a small non-profit – find out what resources are available to you “in house”.
Look for the Portals: Lots of stuff in one place
Secondary Sources Lexis (has NH Practice) Westlaw (lots of treatises) UNH Law databases like HeinOnline and EBSCO
NH Tips – NH Bar News and NH Bar Journal
Law Review articles
Check out the Research Guides
Massachusetts Resources
What happens if I still can’t find what I need? Talk to someone about it Brainstorm Get advice Ask questions