Body Image and Eating Disorders Accept yourself.
Body Image Poor body image may lead to unhealthful and harmful eating behaviors. Take the survey in this brochure:
How do we determine what is and is not physically attractive? Where do ideas of our body image come from?
What Media Does… Images of attractive men and women are used to sell products. Sexual innuendos are included in advertising. Inaccurate and unrealistic views on relationships and body images.
We tend to regard our own culture’s customs as highly “civilized” and others’ as “savage”. Cultural Ethnocentrism
Is what other cultures “do” to alter their appearance really that big of a stretch for us? Is it really “weird?” Is it really “savage?” Is it really that much different than our own culture?
The fashion model, for men and women, is one of the most visible media figures For women: 25 years ago – Average model weighed 8% less than the average American woman. Today – average model weighs 23% less than the average American woman. For men: In the past 25 years – Average playgirl centerfold man has lost about 12 lbs of body fat, and has put on about 27lbs. of muscle.
The Measurements? Average Female Barbie Store Mannequin Average Male GI Joe Height 5’4 – 5’56’06’06’06’ Weight 145 lbs101 lbsNot available 189lbs Dress size 11 – 1446 Bust/Chest 36 – 37”39”34”40”55” Waist 29 – 31”19”23” Bicep 15”27” Hips 40 – 42”33”34”
Plastic Surgery Options? Facelift, eyelift, hairplugs, rhinoplasty (nose job), liposuction, skin removal, skin tightening, muscle tightening, Botox injections, breast augmentation, breast reduction, penis enlargement, hair removal, otoplasty (pinning ears back)…..And we think other cultures do weird things to their bodies?????
And so…What is “normal?” And why are we letting the media dictate that definition?
Especially watch out for these appeals: 1. You’re lacking or missing out 2. Promises 3. Star Power 4. Excitement RULE 1: Be a savvy reader-know the advertiser’s tricks… 1. What is being advertised? 2. Who is the target audience? 3. What does the advertiser want me to believe? 4. What do I know to be true? 5. What advertising appeal did they use?
There are very few ads for guys, and when there is one, they don’t have many words…
but that ads for girls are full of words- messages about being perfect, flawless, not good enough, + that you’re lacking in something…
RULE 2: Don’t ever compare yourself to a magazine ad - What you see is not reality!! Every Every photo you see in a magazine is digitally altered!!
Wouldn’t we all look great if we had hours to spend with a professional hair stylist, or make up artist, or fashion consultant, or a personal trainer??? compare RULE 3: Don’t compare yourself to celebs!
Tyra Banks
Julia Roberts
Jennifer Lopez
DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO CELEBRITIES, STARS, ADS, OR MAGAZINES!! Instead…Learn to like yourself. Realize: “You’re Beautiful” Watch This:
The Self-Esteem Campaign Revolution Advertising that is trying to make a more positive influence “Dove Campaign” Evolution – female (what it takes to be beautiful) Manipulation (male spinoff to the Dove campaign) n n Pressures of being a man (Dove Men + Care) Banned in the U.S. for “showing too much skin.” Beauty pressure
Eating Disorders Eating disorders are extreme and dangerous eating behaviors that require medical attention. Eating disorders are classified as mental illnesses. They are often linked to depression, low self- esteem, or troubled personal relationships
Eating Disorders Social and cultural forces that emphasize physical appearance can play a role in eating disorders. Research also suggests that genetics may be a factor in the development of eating disorders.
Anorexia Nervosa People with anorexia nervosa see themselves unrealistically as overweight even when they are dangerously thin. Definition: An eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves
Anorexia Nervosa People with anorexia develop obsessive behaviors related to food, such as: avoiding food and meals eating only a few kinds of food in small amounts weighing or counting the calories in everything they eat exercising excessively weighing themselves repeatedly
Anorexia Nervosa Possible health consequences Brittle bones Drop in body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure Reduction in organ size Heart problems and sudden cardiac death
Bulimia Nervosa People with bulimia nervosa regularly binge then purge. Definition: An eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food
Bulimia Nervosa Binging is eating a huge amount of food in a single sitting. Purging is forcing vomiting, taking laxatives to flush food out of the system, or fasting or exercising frantically after a binge.
Bulimia Nervosa Possible health consequences Dehydration Sore and inflamed throat Swollen glands Damaged teeth Damage to the stomach, intestines, or kidneys Irregular heart rhythms, heart failure, and death
Binge Eating Disorder People with binge eating disorder do not purge. Binge eating disorder an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively
Binge Eating Disorder Consequences of binge eating disorder include: Becoming overweight or obese Developing the health problems associated with obesity
Seeking Help Eating disorders are serious illnesses that require medical help. Medical help may involve counseling, nutritional guidance, a doctor ’ s care, and, in extreme cases, a hospital stay.
Seeking Help If you think that you or someone you know may have an eating disorder, talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, counselor, or school nurse.