Clothing Design Elements of Design
Elements of Design Color Line Texture Form
Color Color has a large influence on the clothing that you wear Your best features can be highlighted when you use your best colors
Color- Hue Hue is the name given to a color Ex. Red, yellow, blue It is a word that is interchangeable for color Many colors have various hues Ex. Indigo blue, royal blue, baby blue
Color- Value Value is the amount of lightness or darkness in a color Light blue or dark blue
Color- Intensity Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a color A bright color has a high intensity Ex. Kelly green
The Color Wheel The color wheel shows how colors are related to each other The color wheel is used to see the relationship between colors
Colors on the Color Wheel Primary colors are red, blue and yellow Secondary colors are a result of mixing two primary colors Intermediate colors are made by mixing a primary and a secondary color Ex. Mix purple and blue to get indigo blue
Complete the color wheel
Color Schemes You can create color schemes as you make clothing for an outfit Three common schemes include Monochromatic Analogous Complementary
Monochromatic Monochromatic schemes are caused by using variations of one hue on the color wheel
Analogous Analogous color schemes are caused by using related hues Related hues are next to each other on the color wheel
Complementary Complementary color schemes are caused by combining two colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel Complementary colors are contrasting colors They make each other look brighter and more intense
Complementary colors
Complementary Colors
Warm and Cool Colors Colors related to red, orange, and yellow are warm colors Colors related to blue, violet, and green are cool colors
Warm Colors Warm colors are brilliant and suggest activity They are also called advancing colors because they appear to come forward
Cool colors Cool colors seem restful, calm and relaxing They are also referred to as receding colors because they appear to disappear into the background
Neutrals Neutrals include black, gray and white Neutrals have no color They can be used alongside or in combination with other colors When a neutral is used with a brighter color, it makes the color appear more brilliant
Neutrals White reflects white and makes objects appear bigger Black absorbs light and makes objects appear smaller
Colors for your skin tone There are five basic skin tones Black Red-brown Yellow-brown Yellow White Some skin tones may also be off white, tan or creamy beige
How to find your colors Sit in front of a large mirror outside in daylight Drape different colors of fabrics around your shoulders Study the effect the color has on your complexion
Flattering Colors
Which is more flattering?
Colors for your hair With the right colors, your hair should take on a glow The four main hair colors are blond, brunette, red, and black Colors much lighter or darker than the hair will emphasize the hair
Colors for your eyes Eye color may be blue, black, blue-violet, gray, green, hazel or brown In hazel, gray, and green eyes clothing colors may change the appearance of your eyes Brown eyes are seldom influenced by color, but blue eyes may appear brighter
Colors for your Body Shape White or light colors make areas appear larger Dark or black colors make areas appear smaller Certain body shapes should dress with these principles in mind
Example For someone with a pear shape, you could put a lighter color up top (the smaller area of the body) and a darker color on bottom (the larger area of the body) For someone with an apple shape, you would put a darker color around the midriff (the larger area of the body)
Tips Short persons look taller in monochromatic color outfits Very contrasting colors (ex. Red and blue) will make a short person appear shorter If shorter, not wearing a belt can help you appear taller The eye will move in one continuous movement
Tips To appear more slender, wear dulled colors (grayed, dark) and wear bright accessories Dull or less intense colors should be worn on areas that you want to de-emphasize or hide (ex. Tummy)
Color and your personality Warm colors make you appear outgoing and active Warm or bright colors will stand out and have the ability to build your confidence if you feel good in them People who wear dull, plain clothes may feel it suites their quiet, reserved personality
Bright Colors
Dull Colors
Line Line gives direction to design In clothing, lines can be structural or decorative Structural lines are created by the seams in a garment Decorative lines are part of the fabric design or trims added to the fabric
Structural Line
Decorative Line
Line Lines can be vertical or horizontal They can also be diagonal (slanting) or curved Lines can be used in combination with each other or separately
Selecting your best lines You can choose garments to make you look taller, shorter, smaller, or larger Lines can create illusions
Vertical Lines Vertical lines carry the eye up and down They have a slimming effect and can make you look taller and slimmer This includes any print- dots, prints, and actual lines
Vertical Lines
Horizontal Lines Carry the eye from side to side These can make you look shorter and heavier A wide belt will create a horizontal line in an outfit The belt will stop the eye and make the body’s line look shorter (torso and legs)
Horizontal Line
Diagonal Lines Add interest to a design If they are more slanted up and down, they can make you look taller Horizontally slanted lines will make you appear shorter and wider
Curved Lines Lines that are gently bent They give a soft, relaxed look to garments Rolled collars on sweaters and round collars on blouses are popular uses of curved lines Wide curved lines are dramatic, but may overpower a smaller person Small lines close together will make the person appear slimmer
Texture How a fabric feels when you touch it and how it looks on the surface You can use texture to highlight your good features and hide your poorer ones Ex. Furry, bulky or shaggy fabrics add weight to the area they are covering
Texture Dull textures absorb light and make areas look smaller Shiny textures reflect light and make areas appear bigger Texture can affect the intensity of a color A red satin top would be more brilliant than a knit red top
Texture- Shine vs. Dull
Form Refers to the shape of the object This form is called your silhouette Clothing producing a full form make a person look larger and heavier Heavy skirts, wide leg pants Clothing producing a tubular form make a person look thinner and taller
Form The bell shape form is universally flattering to all body types