Bibliography rules:
Books, Rule 1: if there is only ONE author: AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, Title of book, book, Place of publication, Publisher, Year. Eg. SMITH, J, Famous Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 2008.
Books, Rule 2: if there are 2 authors: FIRST AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, SECOND AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, Title of book, book, Place of publication, Publisher, Year. Eg. SMITH, J, BLACK, T, Famous Australians, Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 2008.
Books, Rule 3: if there are 3 authors: FIRST AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, SECOND AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, THIRD AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, Title of book, etc. Eg. SMITH, J, BLACK, T, TURNER, F, Famous Australians, Melbourne, Famous Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 2008.
Books, Rule 4: if there are more than three authors: FIRST AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name,…(and others), Title of book, etc. eg. SMITH, J,…(and others), Famous Australians, Melbourne, Oxford Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, University Press, 2008.
Books, Rule 5: if there are NO authors: Title of book, Place of publication, Publisher, Year. Eg Famous Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Melbourne, Oxford University Press, Press, 2008.
Books, Rule 6: if there is an editor’s name only: EDITOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, (Ed), Title of book, Place of publication, etc. eg. DAGG, F, (Ed), Famous Australians, Melbourne, Oxford Australians, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, University Press, 2008.
CD-ROMS, VIDEOCASSETTES, ETC.: Title, Title, Place of publication, Publisher, Year. Eg. Encarta ‘98, ‘98, New York, Microsoft, 2008.
ARTICLES FROM PERIODICALS (inc. articles from a pamphlet file): AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name, “Title of article” in Title of magazine, magazine, Place of publication, Publisher, Date. Eg. GREEN, B, “Murray-Darling at risk from algal blooms” in The Bulletin, Bulletin, Sydney, Australian Consolidated Press, 27 June,2008.
INTERNET ADDRESSES: AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME, Chosen name. (Year of publication). Title of article, article, [online, accessed date] URL Eg. BROWN, H. (2008). Citing computer references, references, [online, accessed 5 Feb. 2008] URL:
You must sort items within your bibliography into alphabetical order: BENTON, Michael, Dinosaurs: an A-Z guide, London, Kingfisher, COLLINS, B, Prehistoric life, London, Macmillan, Dinosaurs and their living relatives, London, British Museum (Natural History), 2008.