Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page
Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page
Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page 1 Click on the clouds in numerical order to learn about horizontal and vertical transformations! 3 2 4
Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page 012 Creating the Equation Student creates an equation of a quadratic function with either a horizontal transformation OR a vertical transformation. Student creates an equation of a quadratic function with both a horizontal transformation AND a vertical transformation. Horizontal & Vertical Transformation Descriptions Student provides no description of the created function. Student provides either a description of the horizontal transformation OR the vertical transformation. Student provides both the description of the horizontal transformation AND the vertical transformation. Sketch Student provides no sketch of his/her function. Student provides a sketch of his/her function but their graph does not match their transformations listed in their created function. Student provides a sketch of his/her function with correct transformations.
Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page Click here for further guidance
Introduction Conclusion Process Evaluation Task Teacher Page