Welcome to Technology Literacy! Teachers: Mrs. McCrary & Mrs. Malec
What is Technology Literacy? Ideas? Technology Literacy is the ability to understand and use technology in a variety of ways.
What will we do? Use the internet for research Create presentations Produce movies Create websites, wikis, blogs Use other fun Web 2.0 tools!
Classroom Rules Be on time! Be courteous/helpful No food, drink, gum No excessive talking Never change the screen saver or settings on your computer! Unless seats are assigned, you will remain at the same computer for the whole term. Ask permission and sign out when you need to leave the room.
Procedures Take your seat and log on immediately. Check the board and overhead for class work & objectives. If you must leave the room, sign out after receiving permission. Do not ask to leave during opening exercises. Log off at the end of the block. Keep you work stations neat, push in chairs, wrap up headsets, pick up pencils, papers, etc.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior Warning Two minute reflection away from group Conference with teacher after school Phone call to your parents Sent to principal
Have a great semester!