ELA S TANDARDS Common Core Standards are NEW this year. Standards Reading Standards – Literary and Informational Writing Standards Speaking and Listening Standards Language Standards
C LASSROOM M ANAGEMENT P LAN Rules are designed to create a positive and structured environment where learning can take place. The rules are expectations of EVERY student in the class
C LASSROOM R ULES Be to class on time Be Prepared Be respectful Stay on task and do your best In partners, identify two or more examples for each rule.
C ONSEQUENCES Verbal Warning Time Out Parent Contact Detention Office Referral Parent Conference Note: Order may vary according to the offense!
S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITIES Safety Think Before You Speak and Act Horseplay is Unacceptable 1’s tell 2’s – give an example of why it’s important to think first 2’s tell 1’s – give an example of horseplay and a consequence of horseplay
Acceptable Written Material Pencil Blue or Black Pen
Homework Due at the Beginning of the Class Period & Placed on Desk When Absent, Turn it in the Next Day You Return Check for missed work in Homework Bin and on the website Will receive homework 3-4 times a week Warning after 3 missing assignments Day after warning = detention (if still missing 3 assignments)
H EADING FOR E VERY P APER Heading on First Two Lines – Not the blank space at the top of the paper. ELA & Period #Name Assignment TitleDate ELA Pd. 1 Sally Roberts Classroom Expectations Notes August 23, 2011
Make Up Work Student Responsibility to Ask One Day Allowed for Every Absent Day
T EXTBOOKS One Per Desk-Stays in Room and remains covered – Do not write on the cover One for Home Must Pay for Lost/Stolen Book Covered at ALL times
Sensitive Matters In School=In Class OR Class Cut Use Time in Between Class for Restroom & Drink. Once in the classroom, you may not leave. You must sign out if you need to leave the classroom. You may not leave the classroom during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. No Food, Gum, Book bags, or Coats in Classroom
G RADING 40%Major Assessments (i.e. projects, tests) 35% Quizzes 10% Homework/Class work 5%Participation 5%Notebook 5%Workshop
C OLLABORATIVE P AIR S HARE 2’s summarize policies regarding…. Grading Absences Homework Textbooks Make-up work Acceptable written materials Sensitive matters
D AILY D IRECTIONS Entering Classroom Quickly & Quietly – Pick up warm-up Take Assigned Seat - immediately Unpack Items Needed – pencil, binder Take out Completed HW Write HW in Agenda Sharpen Pencils – one student at a time Begin Warm-up Volunteer to demonstrate???
Fire Drill Remain calm and whisper Line up at the door STAY TOGETHER as a class & with teacher Exit together through the fire escape, Exit D Walk to the football field and line up against the fence By not following these rules, consequences will result!
C ODE B LUE – I NTRUDER A LERT Students move quietly to the back of the classroom. Teacher will…cover the window of the door, cut off lights, and pull down blinds Complete silence May be an attempt to open the door – Expect it. NO Cell phones are to be out
C OLLABORATIVE P AIR S HARE 1’s summarize these procedures… Fire drill Code Blue 2’s report out.
A SSEMBLIES AND L IBRARY Follow directions for personal belongings Walk in an orderly manner through the hall – single file according to how you were lined up Be seated in the specified area outlined by the teacher Be respectful to the speaker by listening and refrain from talking.
Announcement/Phone Call/Visitor As soon as you hear these, remain SILENT Teacher will answer phone unless a student is directed to do so Continue to work silently
A TTENTION TO T EACHER Remain Silent for Directions Talking Stops because your Attention was called for a very Important Reason
Teacher Directed Lesson/Discussion Attention is on the Speaker Raise Hand for a ? or Comment – No calling out Remain SEATED throughout Lesson – You must raise your hand in order to get out of your seat for anything. Clean up all Materials from the Desks, Floor, and Chairs in Your Area Before End of Class
Major Assessments Clear Desks Except for Pen or Pencil No Additional Notebook Paper May be Out Once the Test/Quiz is Handed Out, No Talking or ZERO! Remain Seated Throughout the Entire Test/Quiz Unless Directed to Get Up Raise Hand to Ask a Question
C OLLABORATIVE P AIRS 2’s summarize appropriate classroom behavior. (Dos and Don’ts) 1’s report out to the class
Early Finishers Check the Overhead for Directions Work on Unfinished Assignments Read silently Activity Folder
Class Dismissal Teacher will Tell You When It is Time to Begin Packing Up (Early Packers = Last to Leave) Remain Seated While Packing Up No One Leaves the Room Until the Teacher Dismisses Them
When In Doubt… ASK!