Welcome Back to WHS First Days Back
WHAT IS OUR GOAL Today we are going to establish classroom procedures and policies for my class.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES and RULES and CONSEQUENCES We will look out our syllabus
LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES Students are going to be allowed to walk casually to the lunchroom and seat where ever they like as long as they have their trust pass. Students can not behave, can not clean their area, or do not have their trust pass will not have the privilege of sitting where they would like.
VISITOR PROCEDURES When we have a guest ( that is anybody that is not a student in our classroom) we will always be on our best behavior. –Class managers will introduce them to the class –Do not act goofy –Act as if they are not there. Do not speak to the visitor unless you are spoken too. –If I am speaking with them, do not interrupt
CASUAL FRIDAY Every Friday you will be allowed to dress casual. –Blue Jean Pants No holes, and minimum writing on pants –Shirts No Teeshirt ( Unless it is a school/ organization) No graphics/ pictures Must be tucked –Belt Buckles Not bigger than driver’s license –Shoes No Flip flops
RESTROOM PROCEDURES We will be using the Trust Pass –Only one student at a time may leave –Must sign out and date –Can not leave while teacher is lecturing If student has had Trust Pass taken up they will not be allowed to leave.
CLASSROOM SAFETY/ELECTRONICS PROCEDRUES Do not turn computers off! Computers will be turned off by 3 rd and 8 th period students. Students will come into class and begin with their bell ringer. This is the time to get pencils sharpened and etc. Students will not leave class until I have officially dismissed the class.
CLASSROOM MANAGER Each week we will select a classroom manager to ensure that all students are logged off. The classroom manager will also be the only student that will be allowed to introduce themselves to any visitors or guests that we have. Make sure that all trash has been picked up
CLASSROOM MAINTENANCE AND CARE PROCED URES We will not have any food or drink at any time. Because we are in a multi-million dollar facility we need to treat as such. Students must pick up any trash in their area and throw it away before they leave.