Understanding of basic photography terminology, DSLR camera settings/usage, and editing software Think critically about taking photos and use of artistic and composition elements Demonstrating photography techniques and developing a photography portfolio for evaluation To develop and improve photography knowledge and skills To develop and improve your use of photography software To develop skills accessing knowledge through ‘The Web’
1. Photography “sessions” 2. Partner work 3. Independent and Guided reading 4. Daily Photos to review, edit and critique 5. Visual Comprehension through media 6. Multimedia Presentations
Everyone treats everyone else with respect, appreciation, and consideration Only one person talks at a time. When the teacher or another student is talking, stop what you are doing and listen Help others whenever possible. Ask for help if you need it! Be respectful and kind to your classmates, both in word and action and you should receive the same respect in return
If you know you are going to be absent, let me know ahead of time or the day after with permission forms or a NOTE IN YOUR PLANNER! If you are sick or away for some other reason, you MUST bring a note IN YOUR PLANNER that is signed and dated by a parent or guardian with a phone number If you miss class and do not bring a note, we will be following the consequences set up by the school listed IN YOUR PLANNER You are responsible for the work missed during your absence, so take the responsibility to get the assignment from a fellow student or teacher. Assignments during excused absences will be given time to complete Assignments during unexcused absences will be given a ZERO
You are on time if you are in your seat, ready to work when the bell starts (YOUR BOOKS ARE NOT YOU!!!) Late students are to be quiet and respectful of the class when entering Sign in at the door and fill out paper Each late documented will have a consequence attached to it. More Unexcused Lates = more severe consequence (ie. Longer DT’s) –SEE YOUR PLANNER – Page iii If you have an excused absence, a note is required IN YOUR PLANNER. You do not have to sign in at the door or fill in the sheet.
You must bring ALL required supplies to EVERY class. No supplies will be available from Mr.Letourneau. It is quite simple. Bring the three main items to class each day and you will have a successfully organized semester: 1) Pen/Pencil 2) *Binder/paper 3) Attitude for learning 4) PLANNER – NEEDED FOR PHOTO-SESSIONS You may use any type of binder and organization system, but please be organized. You will be receiving many pieces of paper that you will have to access at different times. Coming prepared to class is common sense and if you cannot adhere to this, a consultation with you, Mr.Letourneau and a parent will be arranged.
Put your hand up to ask or answer questions – don’t interrupt the teacher or another person who is speaking. No food or drink may be eaten in Mr.Letourneau’s class. No electronic devices are permitted in class at ANY time. Leave it in your locker or put it away as you enter the classroom. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN As others share, please be attentive. ACTIVE listening is an important form of communication for learning
Attendance, attitude, and participation will, of course, have a bearing on your final letter grade There are weekly assignments that are due by the end of EVERY week (photo submissions, editing project, and notes for theory) For your letter grade the following marking scheme will be used: A= % B= 73-85% C+ =67-72% C=60-66% C- = 50-59% If you do not hand in 50% of the workload by then end of each term (notes, submissions, editing), then you will find yourself with an INCOMPLETE or FAILING grade