Puerto Rico
Capital is San Juan (named for Saint John the Baptist) 1150 miles from the United States Population is 3.5 million
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico was inhabited by American Indian people known as Taino Christopher Columbus landed on Puerto Rico in 1493 and claimed it for the country of Spain - this was his second voyage to the New World
Puerto Rico During the Spanish-American War the U.S. invaded Puerto Rico Spain ceded Puerto Rico (as well as Guam and The Philippines) under the Treaty of Paris and it became an American territory Puerto Rico established a legislative and judicial system similar to the United States
Puerto Rico 1917, US Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act which granted Puerto Ricans American Citizenship Many Puerto Ricans were against it because they thought that America did this so it could draft men into the war In 1950, two Puerto Rican Nationalist attempted to assassinate President Harry Truman
Puerto Rico In 2007, Puerto Ricans voted to an American state U.S. Laws enacted at he federal level apply to Puerto Rico Puerto Rico does not have voting representation in the United States Congress
Puerto Rico Despite being American citizens, Puerto Ricans cannot vote in a Presidential Elections Puerto Ricans are expected to pay many U.S. Federal Taxes Puerto Rico’s military is the United States responsibility
Puerto Rico National median home value is $119,600 Average yearly income: $27,190 (US - $51,371) Literacy rate is 94.1% (US-99%)