Hinduism is the chief religion of India (85% of population). It is a way of life which shapes and unifies much of Indian culture. Om—symbol of Hinduism
I.Hinduism is a collection of beliefs which developed over a long period of time. 1. Founder – can’t be traced to one founder
2. Holy Texts: a. Vedas – Four collections of prayers, magical spells and instructions for performing rituals.
b. Upanishads – (oo PAN ih shadz) text which helps to explain the ideas contained in the Vedas
3. Beliefs: a. Reincarnation – rebirths - repeated passing of the soul from one life to the next
b. Karma – an individual’s good or bad deeds— follows you from one reincarnation to another *Influences what you come back as in your next life
c. Moksha – a state of perfect understanding of all things—release from this world
II. Caste system: social classes developed in ancient times and believed to be based on occupation
1. Four main castes: Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishya Sudras
1.Four main castes: Varnas or social classes a. Brahmins – religious class of priests
b. Kshatriyas – rulers and warriors
c. Vaishya – landowners and merchants
d. Sudras – peasants and laborers
1. Four main castes: Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishya Sudras Untouchables
2. Harijians – Untouchables – outcasts in Hindu society. They are usually poor and less educated then other Hindus.
a. Mahatma Gandhi – greatly improved the lives and status of the Untouchables in Indian society.
3.Born into a caste for life and determines occupation, who you may marry and who you can associate. In other words, EVERYTHING!
4. Today, there are hundreds of subdivisions of the caste system.
5. Dharma – duties and obligations that each caste must follow. 6. Karma (deeds or actions) determines your caste
III. Gods – Polytheistic ! 1. Brahman– World Soul - that is made up of 3 gods:
a. Brahma: the creator
b. Vishnu: the protector
c. Shiva: the destroyer
IV. Holy Sites: 1. The Ganges River is a holy site for Hindus. All Hindus are expected to visit and bath in the Ganges River once in their lifetime.
Ganges River
Taj Mahal
Mumtaz Muhal Shah Jahan
Tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Muhal