Through assessment Through concept review
Kahoot It’s Free!!! Website- Teachers: Students: Find thousands of premade quizzes and polls Adapt quizzes and polls to fit your needs Create new quizzes and polls easily Formative and summative assessment possibilities Provides immediate feedback Let’s Try it! Here’s an example of how Kahoot can be used in the classroom:
FrontRow Geared for math differentiation Makes differentiation easier in the K-8 classroom by: Aligning to Common Core Standards Giving practice and instruction at a student’s level Providing reports and information to the teacher Allowing students to celebrate successes as they earn coins to use in the FrontRow store! Can be used at home or at school through Ipads, Chromebooks, and desktops. Click here to sign up and investigate this tool further!
Plickers Summative Assessment without a ton of tech Takes the place of clickers used with Promethean boards Can be run through your own Smartphone for quick assessment All students assigned a Pickers card based on their class number Students hold up Plickers card with correct response on top Website automatically collects data and responses, processes information, and gives you a live report! Can be used in place of paper exit slips, quick in-class response, check-ins for understanding, and pre-assessments that students can also view to help you plan instruction on a topic!
Differentiated Instruction: Teachers can choose levels students will work at. Research IS an option! Students at higher levels aren’t left behind! Summative Assessments: 1:1 for those students who have difficulty reading/writing Gifted Students can be given text at higher level Formative Assessments: Exit tickets Pre-assessments Hold-Up cards
Yes! Don’t let your fear stop you!
Take time to clearly define group roles and expectations!
Let students know that they must play an active part in their own learning!
Make resources easily accessible for young learners! Questions to ask yourself: 1. What are routines for getting materials/technology? 2. How will you manage passwords? 3. What is the most effective way to manage resources safely? 4. How do students as for help? 5. How can I connect with my tech department to make this happen?
Literacy Resources These websites and tools meet a variety of common core standards. Gives your students a chance to work at their own level. You can assign students to certain levels of activities through a grade-level home page! Into the BookSpelling City ABcYA BBC BitesizeEverySchool Shel Silverstein WonderopolisFunFonixSpelling Bee
Math Resources Self explanatory as far as how they meet common core standards Options also give you a chance to address different styles of learning in your classroom Work with children on time- management skills using the online stopwatches Push students towards higher level thinking in math through interactive games! Study Jams Math Playground ScootPad E-learning for Kids: Math Calendar Math Unfortunately Lakeshore has discontinued their CD- Rom version Here is a link to something similar on TPT! Math GameTime Sheppard Software Interactive Timers AdaptedMind: Math
Cross- Curricular Tech Tools Looking to meet science, social studies or writing standards? Start right here! Students can publish their own original writing, create online books to share with the class (and comment on the work of others). Worried about little learners trying to wade through scary and unreadable search engines? No more! Meet the needs of ELL learners, those who struggle in writing, and those who are geared for high-interest activities! ManyThings Forvo BoomWriterClarisketch Into the Outdoors Switcheroo Zoo Interactive Research KidsBiology Narrable PictureBook Maker Storybird The Peanut Gallery StoryBoard That BrainNook ClassTools
Ipadders FreeTech for TeachersTech with Tia iPad Apps for School Andriod for Schools EdTechIdeas Glogster Kleinspiration An Extensive List of Great Blogs! BLOGS
IPADS Things to consider: How will they get their Chromebooks? What are rules for moving with them? How do they use them properly? How do they log on (easiest is best). Can they move around with the Chromebooks (NO)? How do they put them away? Things to consider Rules and procedures for getting/putting away Ipads. Do not change screen saver or background! What if an app or Ipad isn't working properly? Can they move around with the Ipads? What about keeping their hands clean? CHROMEBOOKS
Thank you for coming! Remember, tech is a tool to enhance learning and instruction! Share successes with your fellow teachers (including me)! The possibilities are endless and your students will love you for exploring them!