2 Adult Admissions (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD 5,874 5,967 5,852
3 Adult Patient Days (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD 30,384 31,573 30,810
4 Adult Case Mix (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD
5 Adult Clinic Visits (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD 114, , ,652
6 Pediatric Admissions (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD
7 Pediatric Patient Days (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD 3,736 3,976 3,817
8 Pediatric Case Mix (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD
9 Pediatric Clinic Visits (rolling 12 months) FY2010 YTD 23,605 25,612 23,560
10 Other Key Ancillary Service Activity Indicators Month of September 2009
11 Regional Hospital Transfers and Diversions & Cancelled Hospital Transfers Due to Lack of Beds
12 Payor Mix - Inpatient Discharges 12 & 3 month comparison (period over period change) % of Business 10/07 - 9/08 July-Sept 2008/2009 HMO/Indemnity47%-3.3%-6.0% Medicare33% 6.0% 5.0% Medicaid 9% 9.8%10.0% Self Pay 3% 8.6%30.2%
13 Summary of Operating Results Month of August 2009
14 Non Operating Income (Loss) Month of August 2009
15 Summary of Operating Results Month of September 2009
16 Non Operating Income (Loss) Month of September 2009
17 Other Key Ancillary Service Activity Indicators Three Months Ended September 30, 2009
18 Summary of Operating Results Three Months Ended September 30, 2009 (000) Omitted
19 Non Operating Income (Loss) Three Months Ended September 30, 2009 (000) Omitted
20 Performance Ratios
21 Accounts Receivable Monitoring Program
22 Comparison of Charity Care & Bad Debt Expense
23 EBITDA Compared to Debt Service & Capital Expenditure (000) Omitted
24 Summary of Changes in Net Assets Three Months Ended September 30, 2009
25 Comparison to Local Competitors September 30, 2009 vs. 2008
26 UWHC Investment & Returns