How to Make Banana Splits The Big6: An Information and Technology Literacy Model (Presentation by Tanja Galetti) 1/30/20091CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)
Would you like a Banana Split? Do you have to complete an assignment for school? Do you want to buy a new pair of shoes? Do you want to eat a Banana Split? 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)2 Big6
What is the Big6? Information and technology literacy model and curriculum Information problem-solving strategy Developed by Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz in /30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)3
1. Task Definition Define the problem Identify the information needed (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) We want to eat a Banana Split. Shall we buy it or make it ourselves? If we make it ourselves, which ingredients do we need? 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)4
2. Information Seeking Strategies Determine all possible sources Select the best sources (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) For the recipe: cookbooks, online recipes, an expert For the ingredients: shopping mall, market 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)5
3. Location and Access Locate sources Find information within the sources (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) Go to the Internet, library, supermarket Chose the items needed (recipe and ingredients) 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)6
4. Use of Information Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch) Extract relevant information (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) Take the ingredients from the shopping bag, study them carefully and read the recipe Open containers to take out the ice-cream and peel the bananas 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)7
5. Synthesis Organize from multiple sources Present the information (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) Make the Banana Split Present the Banana Split, share and eat it! 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)8
6. Evaluation Judge the product (effectiveness) Judge the process (efficiency) (Text: Eisenberg, 2007) How did it look like? How did it taste? Would I do anything different next time? Which problems did I encounter? 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)9
Quiz: Are you ready for the Big6? 1.Task Definition 2.Information Seeking Strategies 3.Location & Access 4.Use of Information 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)10
The Big6… … the strategy that helps you solve any problem in just six steps! 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)11 Big6
Reference List Eisenberg, Michael B. (2007, October 9). What is the Big6. Retrieved January 27, 2009, from Little, Tammi. (2001, November 29). Big6 »Blog Archive« Banana Splits (Grades ). Retrieved January 27, 2009, from 1/30/2009CIMT 543 GALETTI Big6 (Gr4)12