Introducing the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education April / May 2010
Introducing the HKDSE Actualizing Assessment Reform in Hong Kong HKDSE Reporting System International Recognition
Actualizing Assessment Reform in Hong Kong Aligning with curriculum aims and expected learning outcomes Balancing assessment for learning and of learning
Actualizing Assessment Reform in Hong Kong Recognizing achievement of every student Shifting to standards-referenced reporting Explicit standards Descriptors Generic Subject Exemplars of typical performance of candidates
Actualizing Assessment Reform in Hong Kong Broadening of assessment School-based assessment: to capture achievement of students not reflected in paper and pencil assessment E.g.: Independent Enquiry Study of Liberal Studies
HKDSE Subjects Categories Subjects A 24 New Senior Secondary Subjects 4 Core Subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies 20 Elective Subjects ﹕ Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chinese History, Chinese Literature, Economics, Ethics and Religious Studies, Geography, History, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Science : Integrated Science, Science: Combined Science, “Business, Accounting and Financial Studies”, Information and Communication Technology, Health Management and Social Care, Technology and Living, Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Design and Applied Technology, Literature in English
Reporting System Category A: 24 NSS Subjects
HKDSE Subjects CategoriesSubjects B Area of Studies of Applied Learning Courses Applied Science Business, Management and Law Creative Studies Engineering and Production Media and Communication Services 30 subjects will be provided in Category B.
Reporting System Category B: Applied Learning Subjects Attained Attained with distinction Deemed comparable to Level 3 or above in Category A subjects Attained with distinction Deemed comparable to Level 3 or above in Category A subjects Reported in 2 grades:
HKDSE Subjects CategoriesSubjects C Other Language Subjects: French German Hindi Japanese Spanish Urdu The AS Level syllabuses and examination papers of the above language subjects will be provided by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
Reporting System Category C: Other Language Subjects Marking and grading will be conducted by CIE A A B B C C D D E E
HKDSE: Public Examinations Written Papers M.C., constructed response questions, essays Listening and Speaking Tests for language subjects only For details, please refer to the 2012 HKDSE Assessment Frameworks
School-based Assessment (SBA) Typically contributes about 20% of subject marks Assessment areas include those which are not covered by written papers e.g. an independent enquiry study for the subject of Liberal Studies, laboratory skills for science subjects Conducted in S5 and S6 by subject teachers during the course of learning and teaching Implemented in 12 subjects in 2012 HKDSE, gradually extended to other subjects from 2014
International Recognition of HKCEE and HKALE Grade C or above in CE a pass in GCE O-Level Grade E or above in AL a pass in GCE A / AS Level
SRR Information Packages SRR Information Packages have been completed in the end of 2008
Universities and Colleges Admission Service UCAS Tariff is a point system for providing information for the reference of tertiary institutions in the UK Currently, UCAS Tariff recognises 40 different qualification types Most universities and tertiary institutions formulate their admission policies with reference to UCAS Tariff points Important reference for other universities for formulating their admission policies
Expert group: experts from UCAS, representatives from universities and tertiary institutions, HKEAA’s representatives Compare the standards of the HKDSE with the GCE A Level Universities and Colleges Admission Service
Scope of the study Objectives and aims of the curriculum Learning time Curriculum content Learning outcomes Assessment methodology Universities and Colleges Admission Service
A LevelUCAS TariffAS LevelUCAS Tariff A*140-- A120A60 B100B50 C80C40 D60D30 E40E20 GCE Advanced & AS Levels (2010)
Advanced Placement Programme (US &Canada) Universities and Colleges Admission Service LevelUCAS Tariff
International Baccalaureate Certificate (Higher Level) Universities and Colleges Admission Service LevelUCAS Tariff
UCAS Tariff points allocated to 23 HKDSE subjects, except Mathematics Universities and Colleges Admission Service LevelTariffRemarks 5**NA To be allocated after the first administration of the HKDSE Examinations in *130 Between grades A and A* in the 2010 GCE A Level examination 5120 Comparable to grade A in the 2010 GCE A Level examination 480 Comparable to grade C in the 2010 GCE A Level examination 340 Comparable to grade E in the 2010 GCE A Level examination
UCAS Tariff points allocated to Mathematics LevelCompulsory Part Extended Part Remarks 5**NA To be allocated with further evidence after the first administration of the HKDSE examinations in * points (60+ 70) for 5* in both compulsory and extended parts – between grades A and A* in the 2010 GCE A Level examination points (60+60) for 5* in the compulsory part and 5 in the extended part – comparable to grade A in the 2010 GCE A Level examination Universities and Colleges Admission Service
Promotion on HKDSE Promoting and explaining the standards of the HKDSE to overseas universities Conducting surveys to understand admission requirements of overseas universities for holders of the HKDSE
Further Information For information and updates related to HKDSE, please visit the following websites: HKEAA website: HKDSE – International Recognition – EDB website: Overseas Visitors’ Corner –