2/27 Friday Test Unit 1 Results are on IC You will have your lowest test grade dropped at the end of year Naturalistic Observation Assignment Due Friday (3/5) You need to use YOUR time ( your lunch for example ) & any time I give in class to observe Select a natural occurring, public behavior that you think will be influenced by the independent variable YOU choose. READ THE DIRECTIONS PAGE if you haven’t already! **do not socialize/disturb environment! PASS needs to be visible and any behavior not appropriate will result in an automatic ZERO for the assignment if you choose to use class today for lunch.
Ideas! Observe a homeless person asking for money, how many people help? Observe students leaving school, walking in the mall, or sitting in a restaurant, how many are on their cell phone? How many people driving are on a cell phone? How many people say thank you, open a door, hold a door… How many people go through a yellow light? Observe parenting/teacher behavior. How may raise their voice? When? Observe children interacting at lunch/parking lot. What types of behavior do they show? Observe a particular ‘social group’. What similarities do they show? What differences do they show? How many people wipe down the gym equipment after they use it? (who: race, gender) How many people return their shopping carts to the cart area? (who: race, gender) How many throw trash away? (who: race, gender) What percentage of people order water rather than soft drinks? Is there a correlation in body size?
Decide what you will observe and develop a hypothesis – What do you THINK you will see during your observation. For example, ‘It is hypothesized 60% of women will look in the mirror while only 25% of men will look in the mirror while passing by.” Choose a setting and time for the observation. You are to spend approximately 45 minutes watching and making a detailed record of the subject(s), gathering data which will "begin" to test your hypothesis. Plan your observational "method" to be sure you are not "discovered" (so that the "naturalistic" quality of the observation is not lost). Take notes on everything you can observe about the subject(s). If you take notes on your phone, take a screenshot it and it to me!
3/2 Monday Check IC to check updates on grades/missing work Online survey (1 min) Observation (last day of in- class time to observe/report) Report Due Friday Review Sheets (don’t forget to turn this in from last week) Beginning Unit 2 Tues 3/3