Updated Local Labour Market Data
Source:Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey
Out-Migration, Census Division of Destination 0-17 years years years years 65+ years TOTAL Toronto Chatham-Kent Middlesex Division No. 6 (Calgary and surrounding areas) Peel Division No. 11 (Edmonton and surrounding areas) Waterloo Ottawa Hamilton Greater Vancouver TOTAL Source: Statistics Canada, Taxfiler Data, 2015
Net Out Migration = 1429 In-Migration, Census Division of Origin 0-17 years years years years 65+ years TOTAL Toronto Chatham-Kent Peel Middlesex Waterloo Division No. 6 (Calgary and surrounding areas) Hamilton Ottawa York Halton TOTAL Source:Statistics Canada, Taxfiler Data, 2015
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) % change from 2009 to 2014 Construction7,0007,9008,20017% Manufacturing29,60030,70032,90011% Trade22,90020,50022,100-3% Transportation and warehousing 5,4005,2008,30053% Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing 6,4006,0006,100-4% Professional, scientific and technical services 6,3007,3006,7006% Business, building and other support services 6,6006,7005,000-24% Educational services11,90011,10012,5005% Health care and social assistance 18,40019,20020,80013% Information, culture and recreation 7,9007,8007,300-7% Accommodation and food services 10,20010,60011,80015% Other services6,6007,1006,7001% Public administration4,900 4,500-8% Source: Statistics Canada. Table Labour force survey estimates (LFS), employment by census metropolitan area based on 2011 Census boundaries and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (persons), CANSIM (database).
Agriculture # of Job Postings: 148 (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Employer Highlight The connection between agri-business and tourism is strengthening as the “buy local” campaigns are gaining traction with residents and tourists. There are several initiatives that provide farm to fork experiences for visitors to the region. Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.
Employer Highlights The first Request for Proposals for site preparation for the Gordie Howe International Bridge was issued and awarded. Ensuring that Windsor-Essex has the workforce to fill the jobs associated with the construction of the bridge will be a key focus for local stakeholders. In the coming months, Workforce WindsorEssex will strive to identify the occupations associated with the construction of the bridge and identify potential training and upskilling opportunities for our workforce. Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June # of Job Postings: 52 (For April to September, classifiable by industry)
# of Job Postings 500: (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.
# of Job Postings: 156 (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.
# of Job Postings: 140 (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.
# of Job Postings 94 (Professional, Scientific and Technical Services) (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.
# of Job Postings: 40 (For April to September, classifiable by industry) Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Counts, June 2015.