People and Government Chapter 1
Section 1: Principals of Government a political group that lives in a definite territory and has a gov’t WITHOUT A. State (def): a political group that lives in a definite territory and has a gov’t with the power to make & enforce laws WITHOUT approval from any higher authority
Section 1 (cont’d) any sizable group of people united by race, language, custom, tradition, and, sometimes, religion A. Nation (def) : any sizable group of people united by race, language, custom, tradition, and, sometimes, religion.
Section 1 (cont’d) B. Four Purposes of Government 1. maintain social order 2. provide public services 3. provide national security and a common defense 4. to provide for and control the economic system
Section 2: Formation of Government A. Federal System A gov’t where power is divided between: national and local/state level A gov’t where power is divided between: national and local/state level. Each level has sovereignty over certain issues. This is the UNITED STATES form This is the UNITED STATES form !
The Federal System (aka federalism) The federal system is both a geographic distribution of power as well as a hierarchical one.
Section 2 (cont’d) B. What is politics ? The effort to control or influence gov’t Why is this important ? conflict is dealt with in a peaceful way!
Section 2 (cont’d) C. Rule of Law (def): A system of law that has 4 basic principles: ALL are held accountable under the law ALL are held accountable under the law Laws are stable, public, & protect fundamental rights Laws are stable, public, & protect fundamental rights The process by which laws are enacted and enforced is accessible and fair The process by which laws are enacted and enforced is accessible and fair Justice is delivered by competent and independent representatives Justice is delivered by competent and independent representatives
Section 3: Different Types of Government A. Autocracy power & authority rest in one person ex. Raoul Castro (Cuba)
Section 3 (cont’d) B. Oligarchy a small group holds the power ex. China ~ communist party
Section 3 (cont’d) C. Democracy Rule is by the people! Characteristics ? 1. individual liberty 2. majority rule with minority rights 3. free elections 4. competing political parties
Section 4: Economic Theories Capitalism – private ownership Capitalism – private ownership, competition, choice, & profit Socialism – government control Socialism – government control of means of production & distribution of wealth and opportunity Communism – command economy Communism – command economy – decisions are made and handed down; state control of all levels