Jürg Fröhlich em., ETH Zürich Rome, July 5, 2012 Gauge Theory of States of Matter
To Giovanni, with all best wishes for many further enjoyable years in mathematical physics! Portrait of G.G. as a young giant
Credits: Bieri, Boyarsky, Cheianov, Graf, Kerler, Levkivskyi, Pedrini, Ruchayskyi, Schweigert, Studer, Sukhorukov, Thiran, Walcher, Werner, Zee – R. Morf Period of work: 1989/90 – 2012 (from postmodern to modern), with many interruptions
Examples of further applications: Theory of hurricanes … Vortices in superfluids – vorticity quantization; Hall effect in rotating 2D (Bose) gases (!); Axion-magneto-hydrodynamics in the primordial plasma of the early universe growth of cosmic magnetic fields; etc. (All this has been addressed and will be discussed again, another time!) Thank you!