Budget Life Size Skull CS204&Click=26683&gdftrk=gdfV2758_a_7c884_a_7c9437_a_7cSS_d_CS204 &gclid=CKmkpsCo6LwCFU1bfgodxSkAlQ Skull and mandible had a few holes not drilled out, but otherwise great for the money. Note: you get a similar skull if you order the Bag of Bones. $17, free shippeing
My First Skeleton (Tiny Tim): 17” tall $25 including shipping like/ ?lpid= 82 Skull cap comes off so you can look inside.
Big Tim Skeleton (26” tall) $26 Painted%20and%20Numbered%20B ig%20Tim%20Skeleton%20Model%2 0CMS65-%252d%252d- 3N8BO0009IVMYT98.html Skull cap comes off so you can look inside. Has muscle origins and insertions painted on to help for the second lab exam too.
Big Tim Skeleton (26” tall) $40 hop-By-Category/Anatomical- Models/Painted-Numbered-Big-Tim- Skeleton?gclid=CMLA_ePFk7UCFS mCQgod1zEAMA&source=googleps Skull cap comes off so you can look inside. Has muscle origins and insertions painted on to help for the second lab exam too.
Bag of Bones (Bucky Skeleton) $ ?lpid=82 Mine was missing an ulna and cervical vertebrae, but had all the other bones. Skull and mandible had a few holes not drilled out. Make sure the product weighs 12 lbs or you are buying the cheaper product that is hollow plastic and no good landmarks!
Here is the list of lab supplies you need by next month: Lab Coat (long sleeves, 3/4 length, get the right size so you can button the front). You can use scrubs or something, but you have to be able to take off your top every time you leave the lab room. You don't want to carry the chemicals into the hallway! 1&keywords=lab+coathttp:// 1&keywords=lab+coat Latex gloves gloves/dp/B000XRY2FE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-2&keywords=latex+gloves gloves/dp/B000XRY2FE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-2&keywords=latex+gloves You just need Iris scissors and maybe a mall probe for dissection. The scissors have to be about 4 1/2", no bigger. Here is a good one 4.5" Straight Iris Scissor (don't get anything bigger, and don't get the kind that is blunt on one side) Straight/dp/B00ESTT0N2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-1&keywords=4%22+straight+iris+scissorshttp:// Straight/dp/B00ESTT0N2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-1&keywords=4%22+straight+iris+scissors Mall probe: (don't get a sharp probe, just a blunt one) Length/dp/B00EPQIOYE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-1&keywords=mall+probehttp:// Length/dp/B00EPQIOYE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-1&keywords=mall+probe Safety glasses (my favorite style...they don't steam up. The kind that straps around your head and clamps to your face all the way around tend to steam up and you can't see!) Economical/dp/B000BO6RWK/ref=sr_1_28?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-28&keywords=goggleshttp:// Economical/dp/B000BO6RWK/ref=sr_1_28?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8-28&keywords=goggles These safety glasses are available at Caduceus and also at Michael's art stores (there is one near Mt SAC) for $10 at either location.
The Axial Skeleton Skull Sternum Vertebrae –7 Cervical –12 thoracic –5 lumbar –5 sacral –5 fused coccygeal Ribs During this month, we will cover the bones by system.
Appendicular Skeleton Upper Extremity Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals –Metacarpals –Phalanges Pectoral Girdles Clavicle Scapula Lower Extremity Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Pelvic Girdles Os Coxae (Innominate bone) – Ilium – Ischium – Pubis
Bone Terminology Elevations (from most-least prominent) –Crests –Lines –Ridges
Bone Terminology Tuberosity and Tubercle: roughened, elevated, rounded projections in bone Spine: long, sharp projection
Bone Terminology Articulation Structures or surfaces –Facet: “little face” –Condyle: rounded projection –Epicondyle: condyle above another condyle
Bone Terminology Depressions –Fossa (broad and shallow) –Pits or fovea (small) –Groove or sulcus (long and shallow) –Foramen (a perforating hole) –Meatus or Canal (a tube or covered area)
Sternal end, conoid tubercle, acromial end CLAVICLE (note spelling…not claviCAL) Acromioclavicular joint (between acromial end of clavicle and acromion of scapula) How to tell R from L Clavicle: Point the flat sternal end toward the midline. The clavicle should bulge OUT then IN, and the conoid tubercle must point DOWN.
SCAPULA Superior border Lateral (axillary) border Medial (vertebral) border
Acromion Spine Infraspinous fossa Supraspinous fossa SCAPULA
Subscapular fossa Scapular notch Coracoid process Acromion Glenoid fossa
Coracoid process Acromion Glenoid fossa SCAPULA Supraglenoid tubercle
How to tell right from left scapula? Hold the scapula by the spine and place the subscapular fossa behind you on the top of your own shoulder blade (smooth side against your shirt). The glenoid cavity should face laterally, not towards the vertebral column.
Surgical neck Anatomical neck Head HUMERUS
Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Intertuburcular groove HUMERUS
To see which tubercle is larger, look at it head-on Lesser tubercle Greater tubercle
Deltoid Tuberosity HUMERUS
Capitulum Trochlea Medial epicondyle Radial fossa Coronoid fossa HUMERUS Lateral epicondyle
Olecranon fossa HUMERUS
How do you tell right from left humerus? Hold the humerus on the anterior surface of your arm with the olecranon fossa touching your skin (facing posteriorly). What direction is the head facing? It should face medially towards the body.
Olecranon process (continues on to posterior side) Semilunar notch Coronoid process Radial notch (and proximal radioulnar joint) ULNA Ulnar tuberosity
Olecranon Process of Ulna
Styloid process ULNA Head Distal radioulnar joint
How do you tell right from left ulna? Bend your elbow 90 degrees, then place the ulna on your forearm with the semilunar notch facing the ceiling. The radial notch should be on the thumb side, not the pinky side, because the radius is on the thumb side.
RADIUS Head Radial tuberosity Neck
Ulnar notch and distal radioulnar joint Styloid process RADIUS
Styloid process Ulnar notch
How do you tell right from left radius? Place the radius on your forearm with the styloid process on the thumb side, facing laterally. The distal shaft should scoop upwards towards the ceiling, not touching your skin.
First Metacarpal Fifth Metacarpal Proximal phalanx, 1 st digit Distal phalanx, 1 st digit Intermediate phalanx, 4 th digit Thumb = pollex Hand = mannus
Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate LunateHamate TriangularPisiform Scaphoid LEFT HAND, DORSAL VIEW
Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate TriangularPisiform Lunate Scaphoid LEFT HAND, DORSAL VIEW
Pisiform Triangular Proximal, intermediate, distal phalanx Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Scaphoid Lunate RIGHT HAND, VENTRAL VIEW
Got gloves? You can get Amazon Prime for free since you are a student (sign up for it using your Mt SAC address). Then you can get free shipping for six months on any Prime Eligible purchases on Amazon. The below boxes of gloves are prime eligible. If you order today, they will arrive in 2 days. The cost is about $10 for a box of 100. You can split the cost with one of your classmates so you each get 50 gloves for $5 if you want. Share with someone who needs the same size. Small, latex; these cost $10. They also come in medium and large. small/dp/B000W4TGKE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=latex+gloves+smallhttp:// small/dp/B000W4TGKE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=latex+gloves+small Small, nitrile (for those who are allergic to latex). These cost $12. They also come in medium and large. Medium/dp/B000RW7676/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=nitrile+gloveshttp:// Medium/dp/B000RW7676/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=nitrile+gloves