«ASTANA VISION», ASTANA city, Republic of KAZAKHSTAN Igor Remesnikov, Vladimir Kim Refractive and visual outcomes after Femto-SubBowman’s Keratomileusis (Fs-SBK) with myopic astigmatism Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned Purpose: To analyze the refractive and visual outcomes after Fs-SBK procedure for myopic astigmatism Materials and Methods: 58 consecutive cases of Fs-SBK of 29 patients with myopic astigmatism less than 5.00 D (1 group) and 5.00 D or more in the fellow eye (2 group) was performed with 6 months follow-up. Excimer laser Allegretto 400 Hz and femtosecond laser FS200 were used (Alcon). PreOp BCDVA in group 1 was 0.62 and 0.45 in group 2.
Materials and Methods The mean values of refractive indices before Fs-SBK procedure Parameters I Group II Group MRSE, D (mean, interval) -8,78 -1,75 to -17,00 -9,04 -2,50 to -17,38 Astigmatism, D (mean, interval) -3,44 -0,75 to -4,75 -5,66 -5,00 to -7,25
ResultsParameters I Group II Group TIA, D TIA axis, deg SIA, D SIA axis, deg DV, D DV axis, deg The mean values of astigmatism vector’s indices (Alpins N.A., 1997) after Fs-SBK procedure
Results Mean values of TIA and SIA indices Mean values of visual acuity PreOp and PostOp
Results PostOp mean MRSE in group 1 was equal to D and D in group 2 Target Induced Astigmatism (TIA) coincides with the Surgically Induced Astigmatism (SIA) (p≤0,01) Index of Success (IOS) was 86.85% in group 1 and 91.26% in group 2 (p≤0.01). IOS achieved 100% in 19 (66%) cases in group 1 and in 20 (69%) cases in group 2 Lines of PostOp NCDVA gained against PreOp BCDVA in 55% of cases in group 1 and in 83% of cases in group 2 Safety was 100% in all cases
Conclusions: High refractive and visual outcomes of Fs-SBK procedures in the correction of myopic astigmatism had received Only in 3 cases in group 1 and in 2 cases in group 2 in the PostOp period from 3 to 4 months enhancement by lifting the flap were performed mailto: