National Computational Science Alliance Visualization and GIS at NCSA (Polly Baker, Group Randy Heiland Oct. 12, 2000
National Computational Science Alliance Visualization & Research Researchers use visualization… To aid in debugging new algorithms To explore and understand large data sets To help in guiding remote instruments To share results with colleagues To report, publicize, and educate ModelSimulateObserveAnalyzeReport
National Computational Science Alliance Virtual Reality ImmersaDesk CAVE
National Computational Science Alliance Immersion & Multimodal Interfaces 6 DOF input head tracking stereo viewing sound speech input haptics
National Computational Science Alliance Bare-Hand Gesture Single camera mounted atop ImmersaDesk Augmented with speech, use hand to navigate, to select With Tom Huang, UIUC ECE Department
National Computational Science Alliance BattleView Visualization and human factors research to support information gain and situational awareness in large, complex, dynamic environments. Supported by Army Research Lab FedLab, Advanced Displays
National Computational Science Alliance Vis/steer running (parallel) application Survey of existing packages Apply to 3D, time-varying eutrophication model of Chesapeake Bay; (domain decomp, parallel code/MPI) Coprocessing With USArmy Corps of Engineers, ERDC, Vicksburg MS
National Computational Science Alliance Data Shading (
National Computational Science Alliance Global Virtual Prototyping With Caterpillar Inc. Real-time sharing of VR, audio, video between Urbana, Peoria, Houston, and Germany Courtesy Caterpillar Inc.
National Computational Science Alliance RiverWeb/River Pilot Simulator RiverWeb Science Museum of Minnesota (12/99) St. Louis Science Center (coming)
National Computational Science Alliance Virtual Director Shared travel and playback of path in a 3D world VirDir with Vis5D to explore 3D scientific data Courtesy Cox, Patterson, Levy, Wheless, Lascara
National Computational Science Alliance + simulation
National Computational Science Alliance +
National Computational Science Alliance
VisBench: A Visualization Workbench A multi-platform collection of tools for visualization capabilities Provides access (possibly from under- powered resources) to Vis functionality running on high-powered resources. Important for remote users and/or for big data. Provides visualization functionality for the Grid
National Computational Science Alliance VisBench Components VTK Server RenderMan Server Object Request Broker (CORBA) Java Client CAVE Client Terrain Server Geometry Client Problem-specific Workbench MATLAB Server File Server O2K
National Computational Science Alliance (Visualization Toolkit) VTK Server open source, 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. hundreds of algorithms object oriented (C++) other language bindings for RPD (Tcl/Tk, Python, Java) Unix/Linux, Windows threads, MPI support active user community
National Computational Science Alliance MATLAB Commercial pkg; well-respected; >20 yrs old LINPACK/EISPACK=>LAPACK concise scripting language interface large archives of existing scripts VisBench: offer higher-level analysis tools & interfaces that use MATLAB
National Computational Science Alliance VisBench Java Client Build vis pipeline Control vis parameters Handle multi-files (time-series) Apply analysis techniques Export images, VRML Save session as XML
National Computational Science Alliance CFD Feature Extraction
National Computational Science Alliance Future: The Grid Provides access to resources anytime, anyplace Connects dispersed research teams, fostering communication and collaboration Couples machines used for simulation + machines used for visual analysis/mining + databases