1 May File allocation system with minimized reallocation for multimedia home server Hironori Sakakihara TA 8 Technical Secretary 100/AGS483
May Observations today Users need to deal with a large number of digital content which is saved on various media without order. The methods to manage digital content without stress are required. Stress free content management
3 May Home server conceptual model TA 8 Conceptual model File allocation system with minimized reallocation Search and identify content Visualization as digital library First step Second step Third step
4 May Background Hard disk drive, optical disk drive and flash drive are becoming a primary storage media in home. Recorders and TV sets with hard disk drive have been spreading through the market. With removable media, users want to consume digital content which is saved in other rooms. library
May Users utilize various digital content. Difference in file size e-books photos music movies … When the existing content is deleted from storage media, new regions of free space are created on it. Background (continued)
6 May Problems With iteration of addition/deletion, data may be divided into separated regions when it is stored. Data1 Data3 Data4 Fragmentation reduces storage capacity and system performance. Cleaning up the fragmented files takes a lot of time.
May How to resolve the problem Assuming that the region of the size 0101 is required, the sector number #1 is allocated. Please see NP for details. Cluster (size=1000) #1 (size=1000) #2 (size=0100)#3(size=0100) #4 (size=0010)#5#6 (size=0010)#7 #8 (size =0001) #9#10#11 #12(size = 0001) #13#14#15 #1 (size=1000) #2 (size=0100)#3(size=0100) #4 (size=0010)#5#6 (size=0010)#7 #8 (size =0001) #9#10#11 #12(size = 0001) #13#14#15 #1 (size=1000) #2 (size=0100)#3(size=0100) #4 (size=0010)#5#6 (size=0010)#7 #8 (size =0001) #9#10#11 #12(size = 0001) #13#14#15 Unused
8 May New work item proposal Title : File allocation system with minimized reallocation for multimedia home server Scope: To specify the data structure and the application method for file allocation system for digital content saved on home server or media in home domain. The method includes management tables and application systems to minimize reallocation of digital content saved on home servers, storage media or removable media in home. NP submission: June, 2012
9 May Next step Network layer (second step) Management of content within home domain Search and identify content Application layer (third step) Gather thumbnail image or the display width for digital library, if needed Specify the communication format (e.g. XML over HTTP) Sort the content by the category for digital library Specify XML schema or XML tag information
10 May User scenario The content (including e-book, photo, music and movie on each device or media) can be visualized as each user’s digital library. If user would like to consume digital content, all user has to do is to select the content from his/her digital library. No need to be aware of the physical location and media where content is saved Get the volume information and storage location of removable media My digital library
May Timeline File allocation system with minimized reallocation for multimedia home server NP submission: June, 2012 Data format for visualization as digital library Target date for NP/TR: September, 2012 Identify and manage content from archived media for digital library Target area: TBD
12 May Thank you for your attention.