Day 43 -Standard– Adj/Adv,Poetic Form, and Romeo and Juliet Intro
Objectives 1.Identify and Understand how adjectives and adverbs enhance a sentence. 2. Understand the role sound plays in poetry. 3. Introduce Romeo and Juliet Homework: Study Literary terms- They will appear on your vocab quiz Poetry packet – Close reading 1 “The Years” due Friday Vocabulary Flashcards
How does the sound of the following poem enhance the meaning? Use the terms that we learned Thursday.
Adjectives Activity Take out a piece of paper and remove everything else from your desk. You will have 30 seconds to write down as many adjectives to describe the picture on the following slide. When the alarm rings, put down your pen/pencil. No words will be counted after the 30 seconds have past. When you are ready, put your head down on the desk. I will tell you to look at the screen.
Vocabulary: Lesson 5 English I Take out your vocabulary book and highlighter. We will begin lesson 5.
Terms: Rhythm: the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line. Rhyme: the musical quality of a poem. Correspondence of sound between words. Internal Rhyme: rhyme that occurs within the lines of a poem. End Rhyme: rhyme that occurs at the end of lines. Approximate Rhyme: rhyme that uses similar but not exact sounds. Ex. Consonant sounds: Mind - Sign
Meter: a regular pattern of rhythm. Rhyme Scheme: a regular pattern of rhyme. Scansion: charting meter in a poem.
To identify a poem’s meter, you have to break each line into smaller units called feet. A foot consists of one stressed syllable and one or two unstressed ones. Combine the type of feet and number of feet from the left to describe a poem’s meter. Shakespeare is famous for using Iambic Pentameter
A plague on both your houses… What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of William Shakespeare, or Romeo and Juliet? ……old and boring…tragic love story ……hard to understand…stuck up..two feuding families…romance …Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? ….play with old costumes…who? Huh?
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Humble Beginnings: born in Stratford- upon-Avon Known as “the Bard” Attended Stratford Grammar School until he was 14 Then he married Anne Hathaway and entered the “lost years”. Wrote about 37 plays and 154 sonnets Shakespeare’s sonnets all featured a male speaker and focused on the theme of love. Other common themes: time, death, and poetry itself.
So about this ShakespeareSo about this Shakespeare.. William Shakespeare was an unknown man from Stratford on Avon, who ended up becoming a famous playwright in London When he was 18 he married 26 year old Anne Hathaway, their daughter Susanna was born 6 th months later. They also had twins, Judith and Hamnet, but he died at age 11 He spent much of his life in London, as an actor and author, at the Globe theater, and when he died he left his wife the 2 nd best bed in his will
A way with words Shakespeare added over 2,000 words to the English language in his plays, if he needed a new word, he made one up, you may recognize…,000 words Eyeball, dwindle, watchdog, gloomy, hobnob, swagger, rant, moonbeam, fashionable There are also expressions he coined that are very common today, like “a heart of gold,” “wild goose chase,” “vanish into thin air,” “good riddance,” “break the ice,” “a laughing stock,” “clothes make the man,” “dead as a doornail”expressions He also wrote some pretty good insults
Left his family to arrive in London and joined the theater company, Lord Chamberlain’s Men. Earned his money by doing the following: 1.) Part owner of the Globe Theater 2.) An Actor 3.) A Playwright Generally wrote 3 types of plays: 1.) Tragedy- Ex. Romeo & Juliet 2.) Comedy- Ex. The Taming of the Shrew 3.) Historical- Ex. Henry VIII
Elizabethan Era The Renaissance Actors were men only o Men even played female roles! Plays were one of the main source of entertainment
Elizabethan Theater…all the world’s a stageTheater In Shakespeare’s time, theaters were on the south side of London, along with bearbaiting, taverns, and some very friendly women Theaters were sometimes closed to try to stop the threat of plague, or because they were “immoral” All of the actors were men, it was illegal for women to be onstage…so Juliet was being played by a teenage boy in a dress…there’s a reason Shakespeare’s plays have lots of talking, but not too much kissing onstage
Roofless= Open Air No Artificial Lighting Plays were performed in the afternoon to take advantage of the sunlight. Plays were written/produced for the general audience Courtyard surrounded by 3 levels of galleries Spectators: Wealthy- got benches “Groundlings”- poorer people stood and watched from the ground (the pit) All except for the wealthy were uneducated/ poor Burned down during a production of Henry VIII in Rebuilt the following year.
You could get into the Globe theater for a penny, and stand during the whole play, or pay a bit more for a seat, most stood, and were called “groundlings” Food was sold, and if the play wasn’t good or exciting, the audience would heckle or throw things at the actors
Differences to today’s theater productions: No Scenery Settings were all referenced through dialogue Elaborate Costumes Plenty of props Fast-paced productions Only MALE actors would perform
SHAKESPEARE’S 5 PART STORYTELLING PATTERN: Act I: Exposition Establishes setting, characters, conflict, and background Act II: Rising Action A series of complications Act III: Crisis/Turning Point A series of complications Act IV: Falling Action Results of the turning point; characters locked into deeper disaster Act V: Climax/Resolution/Denouement Death of the main characters and then the loose parts of the plot are tied up
Comedy and Tragedy Elements of a tragedy Must have a tragic hero/heroine Ends in the death of many of the main characters Romeo and Juliet begins as a comedy but ends as a tragedy Elements of a comedy The shift from comedy to tragedy is what sets Romeo and Juliet apart from the rest of Shakespeare’s plays A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty that is often presented by elders Separation and unification Heightened tensions, often within a family
Qualities of a Tragic Hero: Possesses high importance or rank Exhibits extraordinary talents Displays a tragic flaw- an error in judgment or a defect in character that leads to their downfall Faces downfall with courage and dignity
A PAIR OF STAR CROSSED LOVERS… “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late!” ~ Juliet; Act I, Scene V
Romeo and Juliet SourcesSources Guess what? Shakespeare didn’t come up with the story of Romeo and Juliet all on his own! He borrowed ideas and characters from other stories that already existed, especially a poem in 1562 by Arthur Brooke called The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet The poem is probably Shakespeare’s main source, but the poem is based on several different Italian stories
There’s also a story by Ovid, an ancient Roman writer, called Pyramus and Thisbe, in which two lovers from rival families plan to meet in secret, but through a misunderstanding (who hasn’t thought their girlfriend was devoured by a lion?) end up killing themselvesPyramus and Thisbe Shakespeare was definitely aware of the story, because he used a version of it in one of his plays So the moral is, you don’t need the most original idea, just to have the best, most dramatic version of it
And just as Shakespeare borrowed ideas to come up with Romeo and Juliet, people have borrowed the play’s ideas to create new entertainment A well-known example is West Side Story, a musical with two different gangs replacing the feuding familiesWest Side Story
Other examples: Romeo + Juliet (Baz Luherman’s update) Romeo + Juliet “Love Story” (Taylor Swift)Love Story Pretty much any story with lovers from two different worlds (yes, Twilight), Gnomeo and Juliet Shakespeare in Love Warm Bodies
1.) Puns- a humorous play on words Romeo – “Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes / With nimble soles; I have a soul of lead…” (Act I Sc. 4) 2.) Allusions- a reference to a well-known work of art, music, literature, or history “At lovers’ perjuries, they say Jove laughs.” (Act II, Sc. 2 Jove is another name for Jupiter, the Roman King of the Gods.
3.) Metaphor- A direct comparison between two unalike things. Romeo- “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?/ It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.” (Act II scene 2) 4.) Oxymorons- Two juxtaposed words have opposing/ very diverse meanings Juliet – “Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical!” (Act III Sc.2) 5.) Personification- Occurs when an inanimate object or concept is given the qualities of a person or animal. Juliet— “For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night / Whiter than new snow on a raven’s back. / Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-brow’d night” (Act III Sc. 2)
6.) Paradox- a statement that seems to contradict itself with two elements that are incompatible Juliet – “O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!” (Act III Sc. 2) 7.) Foreshadowing- a reference to something that will happen later in the story. Juliet – “Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun.” (Act III Sc. 2)
1.) Light and Dark Look for: References to “light” words ex. “the sun” and references to “dark” words ex. “night” and “gloom” 2.) Time Look for: References to the passage of time or if things seem to be rushed 3.) Destiny Look for: Instances where events are blamed on “destiny” or “the stars”
MONTAGUE VS. CAPULET Romeo Lord Montague (his dad) Lady Montague (his mom) Mercutio (friend) Benvolio (cousin) Juliet Lord Capulet (her father) Lady Capulet (her mother) Tybalt (cousin) Nurse
Setting The story is set in the late 1500’s mostly in the town of Verona, Italy. However, there are a few acts set in Mantua, Italy a smaller town just a few miles away.
Interesting… “Star-crossed lovers” refers to two people who are in love but have conflicting astrological signs. In Shakespeare’s times, people believed the course of their lives was determined by the exact second they were born. The Italian city of Verona, where Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day.
Verona Today Today, Verona has an incredible amount of graffiti, which is legal, provided that you are writing about your love for someone.