Make it your business (to get involved) Presentation to Midwest Regional Chamber of Commerce November 4, 2015
Government’s Daily Impact Businesses
Government Impact Increasing
Biggest Federal Regulatory Agencies Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
The Volume of Regulation
Affordable Care Act???? ACA/Obamacare – 78,000 pages and counting
The Most Costly Regulations
The Cost of Regulation on Business
Regulatory Costs Vs Other Costs
Businesses Are Tied Up In Red Tape
Red Tape Inhibits Success
Voters are on Your Side!!!!
BUT - Other Groups are in the Arena Beyond Coal/Beyond Gas/Beyond Oil 2.4 million members Dirty Dozen
AFL-CIO: 7.4 million private sector union members - 6% of workforce
Extensive Activities!!! Public Education campaigns 504 activities PACS 527 organizations Canvassing Voter turnout efforts Social Media Public relations campaigns
NRA: 5 million members ----
There is strength in numbers 28 million small businesses in US Small businesses with fewer than 500 employees 50 percent of private sector employment 64 percent of all new jobs
MY POINT? Other groups OVER represented in political process Chambers UNDER represented in Political process Local chambers (and their members) are FAR more important than State or National Chamber offices in persuading legislators
Help Your Members Tell Their Story They are the experts They have the facts They have the numbers They have an important perspective They are respected They have influence
Personal Testimonials Nursing Home regulations Environmental Regulations Labor Negotiations Eminent Domain Worker’s Compensation
Who/How to Engage
Political engagement
It Starts with Staff/Employees Company meetings Company publications/newsletters
It Includes Their Clients/Customers Company publications/newsletters Company advertisements Open House events Community affairs/functions
It Requires Educating Voters Letter to the Editor:
Letters to editor – good and bad
If You Can’t Convince Neighbors, You Can’t Convince Legislators Op-Eds
Op-Ed Example
How Best To Educate Legislators? Letter to editor – mention their name Letter to them - be specific – be informative Attend events – and hand them a letter Host them at your facility and show them how government regulation affects your business Visit them at the right time in the legislative session Make it personal – get to know them
Chambers Provide Legislative Resources
Capitol Hill Day
Ribbon Cuttings
Legislative Issue Breakfasts
Show up when legislators are in town
Invite Your Legislator to Visit
Align With Businesses Trade Associations As Needed
Other Political Activities??? Scorecards PACs 527s Being Bipartisan
Local Chambers Speak for Business
Businesses Cannot Afford To Sit It Out