Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnership IIP Baltimore April 2008
IIP SBIR/STTR Supplements REU/RET Phase IIRC Phase IIB Phase IB Phase IIA Phase IICC RAHSS
IIP SBIR/STTR Supplements REU/RET The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation./The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program supports the active involvement of K-12 teachers and community college faculty in engineering research in order to bring knowledge of engineering and technological innovation into their classrooms. Phase IIRC – Supplemental Opportunity for Phase II Grantees and I/URCR Centers to Collaborate The goal is to provide the small businesses the opportunities to become part of the I/UCRC communities a partnership that will significantly benefit all groups
IIP SBIR/STTR Supplements Phase IIB The Phase IIB Option helps bridge the gap in funding between Phase II and Phase III. Phase IB Through this supplemental program, small businesses will be able to effectively leverage funding and investment from interested outside parties to provide some of the gap funding required to carry the grantees’ effort from Phase I to Phase II
IIP SBIR/STTR Supplements Phase IIA Foster partnerships between the academic and small business communities; Increase participation of underrepresented groups in both academic and small business research; and Encourage members of underrepresented groups to pursue careers in science and engineering. Phase IICC The supplements are intended to foster partnership between Community Colleges, which educate large numbers of underrepresented students, and the small business community.
IIP SBIR/STTR Supplements RAHSS The Research Assistantship Supplements for High School Students supports active research participation by high schools students in the SBIR/STTR Program.
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