Kindergarten Audience Science Objective - Student will be able to: Understand the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin. Performance Objective- Estimate how many seeds the pumpkin has. Count by 10 using a ten frame. Compare weight, sizes and shapes of pumpkins.
Students Participation Teacher Observation of students. Smart Board game. Class Assignment.
Story Time- Read “From Seed to Pumpkin” by Wendy Pleffer and discuss the story. “Hook”- Pretend to eat a pumpkin pie and say, Guided Practice Begin to count by ten.
Modeling- Complete the assigned worksheet with their findings. Checking for Understanding- Students will play a game on the Smart Board to demonstrate understanding of the life cycle of a pumpkin.
Closure- The students will watch and listen to the video/song “ That's How A Pumpkin Grows” by Brian Vogan.
“Does this make sense?” “Does this have meaning?”
Prime-Time 1 Down-Time Prime-Time 2
Abstract Sequential Concrete Random Abstract Random Concrete Sequential
Logical/Mathematic Verbal/Linguistic Musical Bodily Kinesthetic Naturalistic Spatial/Visual Interpersonal
Smart Board game. Video of a song by Brian Vogan.
Sousa, D. (2011). How the brain learns. (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin A Sage Company. DOI: Gregorc, A. (2013). Gregorc learning styles. Demand Media Inc., Retrieved from style.html style.html Owen Wilson, L. (2005). Newer views of learning. Dr. Leslie Owen Wilson, Retrieved from cators.htm cators.htm
Picture of Book “From Seed to Pumpkin” pfeffer/ ?ean= pfeffer/ ?ean= Cerebral Lobes picture m Technology picture Limbic picture) phychology at Clifton at Vassar College Pumpkin song