C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Primulales F: Primulaceae “Primroses” 1. Mostly perennial herbs. 2. Leaves opposite, whorled or basal.
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Primulales F: Primulaceae “Primroses” 1. Mostly perennial herbs. 2. Leaves opposite, whorled or basal. 3. Flowers 5-merous; bisexual; petals united; stamen opposite petals. 4. Ovary superior; 5 carpels, 1 locule; ovules numerous. Heterostyly 1. Fruit a capsule.
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Primulales F: Primulaceae “Primroses” 1. Mostly perennial herbs. 2. Leaves opposite, whorled or basal. 3. Flowers 5-merous; bisexual; petals united; stamen opposite petals. 4. Ovary superior; 5 carpels, 1 locule; ovules numerous. 5. Fruit a capsule. Primula “primroses”, Dodecatheon “shooting star”, Lysimachia “loosestrifes”
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. (Marah)
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed.
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed. 3. Flowers regular, epigynous, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious).
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed. 3. Flowers regular, epigynous, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) 4. Sepals 5, petals 5, Anthers 5, Pistil – 3 carpels.
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed. 3. Flowers regular, epigynous, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) 4. Sepals 5, petals 5, Anthers 5, Pistil – 3 carpels. 5. Fruit: Pepo, berry, capsule
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed. 3. Flowers regular, epigynous, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) 4. Sepals 5, petals 5, Anthers 5, Pistil – 3 carpels. 5. Fruit: Pepo, berry, capsule 6. Flattened seeds
C: Magnoliopsida SC: Delleniidae O: Violiales F: Cucurbitaceae “Cucumbers” 1. Fleshy herbs or soft woody vines with tendrils. 2. Mostly palmately veined or lobed. 3. Flowers regular, epigynous, unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) 4. Sepals 5, petals 5, Anthers 5, Pistil – 3 carpels. 5. Fruit: Pepo, berry, capsule 6. Flattened seeds 7. Important food plant – cantaloupes, melons, squash, pumpkins, cumcumbers. 8. Cucurbita, Echinocystis