Office of Science (SC) Overview John Yates Office of Operations Program Management, SC-33 Office of Science Briefing for DOE FIMS Training at ANL – May.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Science (SC) Overview John Yates Office of Operations Program Management, SC-33 Office of Science Briefing for DOE FIMS Training at ANL – May 5, 2015

2 SC FY 15 Budget by Program - $5.1 Billion

3 SC FY 2016 SC Budget Request by Category *Other includes: GPP/GPE amounts for BES, GPP for FES, Other (DOE/SC/Fermi/Lawrence) for NP, WDTS, SLI non- construction funding, S&S, and Program Direction.

SC Operates 10 Labs and 3 Sites 4 1,379 Buildings 22.3M gsf $11.8B RPV

Major SC User Facilities Spallation Neutron Source at ORNLLinac Coherent Light Source at SLACAdvanced Photon Source at ANL Molecular Foundry at LBNL12 GeV Upgrade at TJNAF National Synchrotron Light Source – II at BNL (in construction) 5 Single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States (Budget ~$5 billion)

Advanced Scientific Computers – Leadership Machines 6 Titan: Peak performance 27.1 Pf Mira: Peak performance 10 Pf Edison XC30: Peak performance 2.4 Pf National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at LBNL ORNL ANL

Challenge: Aging General Purpose Facilities Much of our infrastructure is old, expensive to maintain, and can no longer meet the requirements of a modern research facility. Improvements have been made – increased annual maintenance investment, focus on reducing deferred maintenance. Maintenance alone will not ensure our laboratories can continue to fulfill their missions. An integrated approach is needed, including:  Capital Investment  Maintenance Investment  Elimination of Excess Facilities. Failed Utility Line Typical Aging Lab Demolition of Deficient Building Aged and Failing Cooling Tower 7

Annual Investment in SC General Purpose Infrastructure ($000) 8

Recent Science Laboratories Infrastructure Projects Interdisciplinary Science Building (BNL) 9 Technology and Engineering Development Facility (TJNAF ) Physical Sciences Facility (PNNL) Modernization of Laboratory Facilities (ORNL) Energy Sciences Bldg (ANL) Research Support Bldg (SLAC)

Lab Operations Board’s General Purpose Infrastructure Initiative 10

11 SC Sponsored FIMS Data Elements

FIMS – Property Summary – LOB Condition 12

FIMS – Property Summary – Mission 13

Analysis: How is our space being utilized?

Analysis: What is the condition of our space?

Analysis: High Bay Use in SC Labs

Draft Infrastructure Plan Proposed Performance Measures The annual report to the Secretary will include targets and performance to address the areas outlined below: Were planned investments executed? Is the % of adequate facilities and other structures and facilities (OSFs) increasing? Is deferred maintenance decreasing? Is the square footage of underutilized space decreasing? Are excess space/buildings being eliminated? Are the annual costs of carrying excess facilities declining? Are fewer core capabilities at risk due to infrastructure deficiencies? Metric Current Performance 5 year Target % space rated as adequate 68% % utilities rated as adequate 69% Deferred Maintenance $5.4B0% growth Annual Maintenance and Repair funding < 1% RPV2% RPV % Assets rated as under utilized 8% (15M GSF) Excess Space and Facilities 7.3M GSF

18 SC HQ Use of FIMS Info FIMS for SC-3 Purposes Calculate our Replacement Plant Value (RPV) Calculate our Deferred Maintenance Sustainability (track LEED Facilities, Guiding Principle Points, Metering, Cool Roofs) Conventional Facility Indicator (CFI) (this is used to track the difference in RPV in programmatic equipment located in conventional facilities for Fermi and SLAC) Operating Costs (Used to check if costs are increasing or decreasing) Condition Assessments (required per DOE O 430.1B at least once during any 5-year period) Check these before validations are performed Actual Maintenance Costs (Is this in line with what is collected in the Quarterly Maintenance Report) Leasing Information FIMS for Budget Purposes Used in the OMB Budget Summary (Number of buildings, GSF, age of facilities, and total acreage) FIMS for Annual Lab Plans/TYSPs Dispositions and GSF that is banked (does FIMS agree with TYSP) Track Operating, excessed, shutdown pending D&D, D&D in progress, etc. FIMS for MA-OAPM Track Mission Critical Facilities for the Federal Real Property Council Cross check of information in FIMS when MA-OAPM sends out reports with FIMS Data for accuracy FIMS for LOB General Purpose Facilities Initiative Summary charts using new data elements as requested

Summary SC is a leadership research organization in energy and physical sciences operating 10 laboratories and numerous user facilities. The mission readiness of the general purpose infrastructure is essential to the operation of the sites and user facilities. SC lab planning activities identify general purpose investment needs. SC’s dedicated infrastructure program Science Laboratories Infrastructure has addressed these needs for 34 years. FIMS data is essential for tracking SC’s assets and their age and condition. Recommendation: sites should complete loading facility pictures into FIMS 19

John Yates Office of Operations Program Management Office of Science Department of Energy Contact Info: For More Information on Office of Operations Program Management (SC-33) 20 Questions?