UNIT 3 BIOLOGY Mod. 14: Behavior Genetics—Predicting Individual Differences
Genes: Our Code for Life Behavior Geneticists: study human differences and weigh the effects and interplay of heredity and environment Environment—external influences Genetics: human life…a book with 46 chapters (chromosomes), 23 from each parent DNA: genetic info, makes up chromosome Genes : tiny units of DNA, 20,000-25,000 If active, they are expressed
Genes Cont. Genome: instructions for creating an organism Gene sequencing Geneticists study gene variations and how it affects behavior/though/ etc Genetic predisposition: genetically influenced traits help explain both shared human nature and diversity
Twin and Adoption Studies Identical Twins (monozygotic) Fraternal Twins (dizgotic) Identical twins are basically a clone, same genes with some slight variations
Separated Twins “Jim” twins…example from your book Critics will say while they were separated they were probably raised in similar setting and looking for similarities
Biological vs. Adoptive Relatives Adopted children are more like their birth parents in regards to personality Adoptive parents influence attitudes, values, manners, faith, and politics
Molecular Genetics Focusing on specific genes that affect behavior Genes interacting Looking for risks of disease
Heritability The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes Varies, depending on populations and environments being studied Measured from 0-1: 0 [0%] (low heritability): Influenced by environment 1 [100%] (high heritability): Influenced by genes E.g.: If the heritability of intelligence in a given population/environment is 40% (moderately low), then genetic influence explains 40% of differences in intelligence among that specific population Herit: Inherit Ability: Capability
Genes—Environmental Interaction Our genes and environment interact Epigenetics: studying gene- environment interaction