CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS IN HUNGARY Balázs Pichler Head of Department for Monitoring and Evaluation JASPERS Stakeholders Meeting Brussels, 9-10 November 2015
Importance of JASPERS knowledge community JASPERS for Hungary in 2015 Workshops, seminars 7 Participants from Hungary 21 Major projects to advise 13 -Major projects advisory operations, major project preparation -Workshops and Seminars (annual programs) -Interactive knoledge and Learning center ( -Dissemination of guidelines -Forums for exchange of experiences and good practices 2
Capacity building 3 Capacity building needs -Climate change issue -Definitely sectorial workshops with best practices -Supporting strategic planning -Sectorial „Best practices” database -IQR workshop for major project experts -Non-major project advisory operations -Remarking Calls for proposals – quality rewiew
Enlarge the circle (1) 4 Challenge for the future: tranfer of information throughout the chain of knowledge -Regional workshops besides multi-country events -Train the trainer’ events -Translated résumé -Video summary -One-year plan for workshops
Enlarge the circle (2) 5 Feedback -Visiting local (member states) workshops as JASPERS advisors -Comparing presentations and national guides Interconnection -Best practices on website - with forum and contacts infos
Thank you for your kind attention! 6