2.2 Biological Level of Analysis: Genetics and Behavior
Behavioral Genetics How genetics and the environment contribute to individual variations in human behavior. How much do genes influence behavior? Diathesis-stress model “genetic vulnerability” Inheritance
Genetic Research Correlational Studies: Establishes that a relationship between two variables exists, but no IV is manipulated. No cause-and-effect is determined. Twin Studies: High level of shared genes. Monozygotic (MZ): Identical twins, from same egg that splits. Dizygotic (DZ): non-identical, from two eggs Concordance rate: degree of correlation found
Family Studies: more representative sample Degrees of genetic relatedness compared with behavior. High heridability = High concordance rates
Adoption Studies Nature vs. Nurture Why are these cases interesting when studying genetic behavior? Criticisms: Children not representative of general population Selective placement
Intelligence Is IQ inherited or result of environment? Why was The Bell Curve controversial? Explain Spearman’s concept of g(intelligence)?
Research on Intelligence Bouchard and McGue (1981) Meta-Analysis: combining data from similar studies to yield a quantitative summary of pooled results. Findings? Minnesota Twin Study Findings? Heritability? Criticisms?
Scarr and Weinberg (1977)- Parents with adopted and natural children Findings? Were socio-economic factors important? Less Effort Hypothesis How important are socio-economic factors in determining intelligence? Explain why scores seem to be increasing world-wide for the last century?
Evolution Charles Darwin Natural Selection Adaptation Chimp Study: Matsuzawa (2007) Do his study results support Darwin?
Evolutionary Psychology What is this field attempting to do? Explain Fessler’s 2006 study on disgust and pregnancy. What are its implications? How about Curtis (2004) Findings Implications Points to consider
Ethics in Genetics Research Stigmatization Confidentiality Coding information Harmful personal information Paternity Genetic disorders Cultural objections