FDI and processing and assembling trade FDI’s contribution to China’s exports
Year Share of foreign-investment enterprises (%) Share of domestic enterprises (%) Table: The share of foreign-investment and domestic enterprises in China ’ s export growth ( )
expo rt impo rt expor t imp ort expo rt imp ort expo rt imp ort expo rt imp ort expor t impo rt Total State- owned enterprise Foreign- owned enterprise Others Table: Exports and imports of State-owned enterprises and foreign-owned enterprises in China ( , billion U.S. dollars)
Processing and assembling trade and China’s exports
Year Processing and assembling trade (billion U.S. dollars) Proportion in China’s foreign trade (%) Year Processing and assembling trade (billion U.S. dollars) Proportion in China’s foreign trade (%) Table: China ’ s processing and assembling trade and its proportion in China ’ s foreign trade ( )
In the first three quarters of 2012, private enterprises recorded a sound momentum of growth in imports and exports, growth in general trade continued to outpace that in processing trade
Item ExportsImports Value Change ( % ) Value Change ( % ) Total By form Ordinary trade Processing trade Others By ownership SOEs FIEs Others Table: China ’ s imports and exports by form and by ownership, (US$100m)
China’s comparative advantage and competitive advantage are strong
Labor advantage Local currency U.S. dollar Local currencyU.S. dollar Local currency U.S. dolla r China a Japan Korea, Rep. b Singapore Table: The average monthly wage of manufacturing employees
Scale advantage, technology advantage and industry advantage
Primary products Expo rt Impo rt Manufact ured goods Expo rt Impo rt Table: Classification of China ’ s imports and exports in goods, (billion U.S. dollars)
Export (billion U.S. dollars) Growth rate (%) The proportion in total exports (%) Import (billion U.S. dollars) Growth rate (%) The proportion in total imports (%) Net export (billion U.S. dollars) Table: China ’ s foreign trade of high-tech products ( )
Small proportion of China’s services trade deficit
Transportati on Travel Communica tion services Constructio n services Insurance services Financial services Computer & information services Table: TC index of China ’ s services trade ( )
Royalties & license fees Consulting Advertisin g, media Film, audiovisua l Other business services Governme nt services
RMB’s exchange rate is not the key for China’s trade surplus
The pressure of appreciating RMB
RMB’s appreciation can not solve the problem of trade imbalance
U.S. exports (billion U.S. dollars) % change U.S. imports (billion U.S. dollars) % change Total (billion U.S. dollars) % change U.S. balance (billion U.S. dollars) Table: Trade between China and the U.S. ( )