Module 3: Environmental Objectives, Programme of Measures, Economic Analysis, Exemptions PoM implementation: Upper Tisza case study Alexei Iarochevitch.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 3: Environmental Objectives, Programme of Measures, Economic Analysis, Exemptions PoM implementation: Upper Tisza case study Alexei Iarochevitch Afyon, 2015

Contains  Botar transboundary river basin district: location, SWIMI, ecological and chemical status  Water body: assessment and measures  Basin-wide measures  Transboundary data exchange

Project location


Surface water bodies identification

SWMI in Upper Tisza (Botar river basin) Surface waters  Pollution by organic substances  Pollution by nutrients  Pollution by hazardous substances  Hydromorphological alterations  Morphological alterations  Water abstraction  Invasive alien species  Pollution of river bed and banks by domestic waste

Ecological and chemical status

2 Water body #1 assessment Hydromorphology Physical - chemical Hydrobiology Ecological status Chemical status 111HighGood

Hydromorphology Physical - chemical Hydrobiology Ecological status Chemical status 222Good Failing to achieve good Water body # 2

4 stages of river renaturalization 1. Removing of wooden residues in the riverbed

4 stages of river renaturalization 2. Restoration of morphological and biotopical structure 8 dams, 7 half-dams and 5 artificial rapids were made of local stones, the river meanders was restored, while depths variations and zones with different stream speeds and whirlpools were created

4 stages of river renaturalization 3. Selection of reference (donor) river similar river by its size and geological structure and located at the same altitude

4 stages of river renaturalization 4. Re-introduction of typical for mountain rivers invertebrates and fish (5,000 of specimen of Ephemeroptera naides, 9 stream trouts Salmo trutta morpha fario, 5 gobies Cotlus poecilopus and 4 minnows Phoxinus phoxinus)

Hydromorphology Physical - chemical Hydrobiology Ecological status Chemical status Chanel33Moderate Failing to achieve good Water body # 4

General measures  Construction and reconstruction of WWTP in all settlements larger PE  Promotion of best agricultural practices to reduce amount of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers  Inventory of pesticides  Establishment of operational monitoring programme for water bodies “at risk”  Promotion of water-saving technologies for farmers  Chanel bed cleaning  Distribution gateway and water reservoirs management guidance development  Construction of automatic hydrometeorological stations and data exchange with neighboring countries

Automatic hydrometeorological station

Data exchange network “Tisza”, Ukraine

Thanks for attention!