ECO- WISE Cafe Energy Focus Wowk
Energy Quiz School Features Introductions Energy Campaigns – Past / future ECO-WISE Calendar ECO-WISE Grants School Share
Wowk Elementary Site Tour
ECO-WISE Cafe ECO-WISE Cafe The Energy Edition
How is hydro electricity produced?
Why is it important to save energy?
How can you keep heat from leaving a room?
Keep windows and doors closed to keep heat in.
What is it called when something draws a small amount of power even when it isn’t being used?
Phantom Power Vampire Power
True or False? It uses more energy to turn the light on and off if you’re only gone for 5 minutes.
Turn off the light if you leave the room. What an idea!
How can you save energy in your classroom over lunch hour?
Which saves more energy: using a screen saver or turning off the monitor?
It’s that easy.
How does putting on an extra layer help save energy?
Bundle up Richmond! Keep it cozy
Now you’re more power smart!
Who we are and What we do
Introduce new habits
Conservation Campaigns Bundle Up Richmond BURrrr Turn It Off, Before you Take Off Lights Out Lunches
Did they stick?
ECO-WISE Energy-Saving Campaigns /16EVENT September October OFFtober – Spooky Dining in the Dark November DecemberWinter Shutdown January Energy Showdown Competition February BURrrr - Sweater Day March Spring Shutdown April REaDY Summit May JuneSummer Shutdown
Coming up!
Happy Offtober! Power smart month
Where do we use Energy in Schools?
Why Conserve Energy? Primary reasons are: Cost In 2014 the District spent over $2million on energy bills. Reduce Environmental Impact Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and the Environment (hydro-electric projects)
What are our Conservation Targets? 2015 Targets: 3% Electricity Savings 5% Natural Gas Savings
How Can We Save Energy? PEOPLE Behaviour – turn off when not needed TECHNOLOGY LED lamps, motion sensors, daylight sensors PROCESS Schedule equipment to switch off when schools are unoccupied
ECO-WISE Energy-Saving Campaigns Increasing participation through the year: 71% of facilities participated in 3 or more events; Electricity Savings of around 221,282 kWh (equivalent to avoiding CO 2 emissions from 14 homes in a year).
When Everybody Works Together…
SUMMER SHUT DOWN This fridge used around 400kWh over the summer holidays and cost~$40 to keep the Aunt Jemimas syrup cold!
Some Energy Saving Campaign Results Estimated energy savings from LOL and Shutdowns: 221,282kWh (or 2% of annual electricity for participating schools) There are more than 229 fridge-freezers in our schools! There are more than 46 dedicated freezers in our schools! (~40% were switched off during the Summer Shutdown saving around $3.5k). Sweater Day – 1-2% of daily gas consumption was saved by reducing thermostat by 2 o C for 8hrs.
We need YOUR feedback Which campaigns did you like best? Why? What worked well? Which campaigns did you not participate in? Why? What didn’t work so well?
ECO-WISE Energy-Saving Campaigns /16EVENT September October OFFtober – Spooky Dining in the Dark November DecemberWinter Shutdown January Energy Showdown Competition February BURrrr - Sweater Day March Spring Shutdown April REaDY Summit May JuneSummer Shutdown
Currently being updated
Grants / Competitions District Eco-Wise Grants (coming soon) External Grants As they are available BC Green Games BC Green Games
ProD for Staff with TTOC release Eco-Wise Stewards – series –(K-9) October 16, 2015; January 22, 2016; March 7, 2016 Energy Ambassadors Program – BC Hydro – (Gr 8-12) 19 Oct with TTOC cost and lunch provided Transforming Learning Sessions November 27 or December 2 or 3 or 4 February 22 or 23 or 24 or 25
After School Opportunities for Staff The "Outside" Classroom Study Group September 16, 2015; October 14, 2015; November 18, 2015; January 20, 2016; February 17, 2016; April 13, 2016 Creating an Eco-Wise School November 25, 2015
Eco-Wise Cafes & REaDY Summit DATETOPIC(S)LOCATION 7 OctoberOfftober - PowerSmartWowk 4 NovemberRecycling / New ContainersRichmond Art Gallery 2 DecemberSustainable Purchasing / Waste Reduction Gilmore 6 JanuaryWater AwarenessWoodward 3 FebruaryGrounds GreeningGarden City 6 AprilSustainable TransportationGeneral Currie 23 April 11 or 12 May Richmond Earth Day Youth Summit GREEN GALA BOYD
Thank you for making a difference! Emilie Ralston – SES Consulting Nicky Arthur – Energy Specialist local 3866 Kevin Lyseng – Science of Environmental Stewardship local