Post Modern Artists began to appropriate images from diverse sources, such as Pop artists had done but also drew on art history and mythology as well as media.
Kruger Spliced cropped photographic images with text in an impassioned, punchy, feminist art. Used a mock-advertising style with blown up images and confrontational messages.
Your Body is a Battleground by Barbara Krueger
Hero by Barbara Krueger
Longo A leading image appropriator, he transforms commercial and cinematic images into high- impact billboard size paintings that project the menace and violence of the city at night.
American Psycho by Longo
Cindy Sherman Specializes in fabricated self- portraits in which she dresses up like old Hollywood or Old Master stereotypes and photographs herself.
Untitled Still #228 by Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman Her portraits of wide-eyed 1950’s film noir ingénues depict violence, sex, and the limitations of traditional female roles.
Untitled Still #14 by Cindy Sherman