1 14. Immigration to the USA Learning Intentions (Pupils should be able to): 1.Describe recent trends in immigration to the USA. 2.Describe the response of different groups, including the US Federal Government, to recent immigration. 3.Explain the impact (positive and negative) of recent immigration. The American Dream The American Dream is the idea that the USA, more than anywhere else in the world, offers people the opportunity to succeed in life if they get an education and work hard.
2 Trends in US Immigration The US accepts around 1m people as legal immigrants every year. This figure has risen in number in recent years. The graphs (right) show that illegal immigration to the USA has risen rapidly (to around m people) in recent years. Today, around 12% of people living in the US are foreign born (37m). Most illegal immigrants to the USA come from poor countries such as Mexico (6.2m), other South American countries or Asia. The majority of illegal immigrants are found in the US border States or E. USA.US border States or E. USA.
3 Increased Border Security Opinion polls show Americans are deeply divided over the issue of immigration. Recently, attitudes have been hardening against further large-scale legal immigration and the US Government has also been tightening border security. For example, a huge fence, costing billions of dollars, has been built on the US/Mexico border to stop illegal immigration and billions more have been spent on increased border security patrols. Obama, like Bush, intends to increase border security further. Note: Some Americans (‘Minute men Project’) have taken to patrolling the border themselves reporting illegal immigrants to the security patrols or harassing people who may be ‘illegals’.Minute men Project men-at-the-us-mexican-border/413.html
4 Recent Government Legislation on Immigration In order to tackle the ‘immigration issue’, ex-President Bush on several occasions tried to introduce a ‘Guest Worker Program’ whereby illegal immigrants would be allowed to stay in the US for between 3-5 years if they were sponsored by a US employer. However, Congress rejected Bush’s proposal on two grounds: 1.It provided an amnesty for ‘illegals’ (rejected by opponents of immigration) 2.it was deemed impractical (rejected by those in favour of immigration – would illegal immigrants participate?) 3.Note: As Congress has failed to agree on a plan for managing immigration, some States (Arizona) have decided to implement their own guest-worker program.
5 The Patriot Act 2001 Following on from 9/11 attacks, the US Government passed the Patriot Act. This piece of legislation gave US authorities greater powers of arrest, detention and interrogation of suspected terrorists but it has also been used to track down and deport illegal immigrants. The Patriot Act was renewed by Congress in Immigrants ‘Day of Action’ In protest at recent US Government proposals on immigration, millions of supporters of immigration held a ‘day of action’ (May 1 st 2006). In those States with most immigrant workers, thousands of businesses were affected as parts of the country ground to a halt.
6 Arguments that immigration harms the USA Opponents of immigration argue immigrants: force wage rates down as they compete for jobs. Immigration benefits employers but not US employees. put pressure on housing, education and health care services. cost the US taxpayer money. 33% of immigrants use at least one welfare program compared to 19% of US nationals. are changing US culture and society as many immigrants make no attempt to integrate. English is no longer the main language in some areas. California will have a majority Hispanic population by 2030.
7 Arguments that immigration benefits the USA Supporters of immigration to the US argue immigrants: stimulate the economy through demand for housing, medical care and education services. do the low paid jobs (gardening, fruit picking, labouring, etc.) that most Americans do not want. This keeps the US economy competitive. Some authorities ignore federal regulations on immigrants as they recognise the value of their work contribution. contribute more in the long-term to the US economy than they receive in welfare. Most economists agree with this view. maintain the US reputation as ‘land of the free’. Ethnic diversity is cause for celebration.
8 Questions 1. Describe the trends in legal and illegal immigration to the US in recent years. Give statistics to improve your answer. 2. Describe recent US Government responses to immigration in terms of: border security, the Guest Worker Program and the Patriot Act. 3. What is the ‘Minute men Project’? 4. What was the impact of the immigrants ‘Day of Action’? 5. Provide three arguments for and three arguments against continued immigration to the USA. 6. What is your view on immigration? Justify your answer. US Immigration Reading: Pulse: ‘International Issues’ pages or Leckie and Leckie: ‘Course Notes’ pages 242 – 243.