Monday Make up a subtraction story. Write the number sentence to go with your story. Tuesday Using the numbers 4 and 5, make up an addition number sentence. Draw a picture story that goes with your number sentence. Wednesday This week we are learning about bears. Complete the bubble map. The words in the outside bubbles should be DESCRIBING words about bears. Thursday Using the describing words from the bubble map you completed last night, write at least 2 sentences about what you have learned about bears. HOMEWORK: *No more than 15 minutes daily. * Log books read on your bookworm. *Send your child’s HW Journal to school on Friday. PARENTS “HOMEWORK HELPER” FOR THE WEEK… “Number Story” vs. “Number Sentence” Number Story example: Mrs. Bourg had 5 cookies. She ate 4 of them. How many does she have left? Number Sentence example: 5 – 4 = 1 LANGUAGE This week we will continue our theme, “Winter and winter animals.” We will discuss some “beary” interesting facts about the various types of bears, hibernation, and their environments. We will continue to explore how there are four seasons, and that weather changes at different times of the year, and we will discuss story elements and compare the stories, “The Hat”, and, “The Mitten” by the author, Jan Brett. Our high-frequency word for this week is for. We will also be busy administering ELA and writing mid-year assessments. MATH: This week, we will begin Unit 4. This unit focuses on counting to 100, using comparative vocabulary to describe two sets of up to 10 objects, and counting no more than 20 objects. It introduces adding and subtracting and finding number partners within 10. We will also complete a mid-year assessment. (I am sending home Math Message for Unit 4, so you can see detailed info for this unit.) Vocabulary: Greater than, Less than, Put together, Add, Total, In all, All together, Take Away, Subtraction Announcements: Classroom Supplies Needed (if you can donate): small treasure box itemsskittles (students receive 2 per day for naptime) *NOTE: At this time we still have a few boxes of Kleenex, Lysol wipes, and paper towels. I may ask for these items to be donated around March. Can you help our Art Teacher with some supplies? Mrs. Cleveland is in need of the following supplies for some upcoming art projects… The students love going to art and she always intrigues the students with creative projects. Send in any of the following if you can. **rinsed drinking straws, a small rock/shell, old CD’S, any size paper or styrofoam plates, or ANY transparency film you no longer need. Thanks so much! **REPORT CARDS: Report cards were sent home last Thursday. If you have not already done so, please sign and return the white envelope. You may keep the yellow copy of the report card. If you have any questions, regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me or schedule a conference by calling the school office. **MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HOLIDAY** There will be no school on Monday, January 19th as we observe this holiday. **Save the date…our annual MES SOCK HOP is Friday, January 23 rd ! Watch for more information! It’s time to rock the night away! YEARBOOKS ARE STILL ON SALE THROUGH JAN. 23rd for $20. You may send cash or check, or you may order online. ** BRRRRR… IT’S COLD OUTSIDE…. please dress your child appropriately. Please make sure your child is “bundled up,” and label all jackets, coats, gloves and hats. Thanks for helping! January , 2015 Dates to Remember : Jan 14- Class Pictures Jan 14- Kind Kids Club after school Jan 19- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, No School Feb 5- PTA Meeting 9:30 Feb 12- Krewe of MES Mardi Gras Parade Feb Mardi Gras Holiday – No School