Nikhef in MC-pad Els Koffeman Nikhef & University of Amsterdam.


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Presentation transcript:

Nikhef in MC-pad Els Koffeman Nikhef & University of Amsterdam

January 2009Els Koffeman - MC PAD Kick off2 Nikhef – National institute for subatomic physics Nikhef lab is located in Amsterdam Universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Nijmegen 75 physicists (staf + postdoc) 75 PhDs and guests 75 engineers & technicians Research programs: Atlas, LHCb, Alice, Theory, Antares, KM3net, Auger

January 2009Els Koffeman - MC PAD Kick off3 R&D highlights Medipix collaboration Gridpix & RD51 Development of integrated grid on a chip C02 cooling Chip design Gossipo Timepix FEI-4 (Atlas)

January 2009Els Koffeman - MC PAD Kick off4 MC PAD interest P5 TPC with MPGD readout: Large volume tracking for ILC and PANDA at FAIR based on MPGD and pixel readout. CERN, DESY, GSI, NIKHEF, UHH ESR: 3 × 3 yrs Milestone: Solving the sparkproblem….. P9 Front-end Electronics for Hybrid Pixel Detectors: New readout architectures for the frond end electronics of the upgrades of ATLAS and CMS pixel detectors NIKHEF, PSI ESR: 3 yrs, ER: 2 yrs) Milestone: Expect ATLAS pixelchip submit by end 2009

January 2009Els Koffeman - MC PAD Kick off5 Persons Jan Timmermans currently at DESY working on TPC in EUDET framework Harry van der Graaf in RD51 working on gridpix Ruud Kluit (senior) VLSI designer coordinating work on FEI-4 and Gossipo-3. Els Koffeman ATLAS silicon strips. Professor at University of Amsterdam and therefore happy to have PhD canidates from the network finishing a PhD thesis (+ one year extra payment !!)