Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov DataTAG Project
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov The EU DataTAG project Two main focus: –Grid applied network research –Interoperability between Grids 2.5 Gbps transatlantic lambda between CERN (Geneva) and StarLight (Chicago) – dedicated to research (no production traffic) Expected outcomes: –Better interoperability between GRID projects in Europe and North America DataGrid, possibly other EU funded Grid projects PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA)
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov The EU DataTAG project (cont) European partners: INFN (IT), PPARC (UK), University of Amsterdam (NL) and CERN, as project coordinator –Strong collaborations already in place with ANL, Caltech, FNAL, SLAC, University of Michigan, as well as Internet2 and ESnet. Budget: 3.9 MEUR 2 years Expected starting date: December 1, 2001 Kick-off meeting: CERN, Dec NSF support through the existing collaborative agreement with CERN (Eurolink award)
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov NL SURFnet CERN UK SuperJANET4 Abilene ESNET MREN IT GARR-B GEANT NewYork STAR-TAP STAR-LIGHT
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov DataTAG planned set-up (2 nd half 2002) GEANT CERN PPARC INFN UvA CERN PoP Chicago STARLIGHT ABILENE ESNET GriPhyN PPDGiVDGL …... CIXP DTF DataTAG test equipment 2.5 Gb DataGRID
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov Work Packages WP1: Provisioning & Operations (CERN) –Will be done in cooperation with DANTE –Two major issues: Procurement Routing, how can the DataTAG partners have transparent access to the DataTAG circuit across GEANT and their national network? WP5: Information dissemination and exploitation (CERN) WP6: Project management (CERN)
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov Work Packages (cont) WP2: High Performance Networking (PPARC) –High performance Transport tcp/ip performance over large bandwidth*delay networks Alternative transport solutions –End to end inter-domain QoS –Advance network resource reservation WP3: Bulk Data Transfer & Application performance monitoring (University of Amsterdam) –Performance validation –End to end user performance Validation, Monitoring, Optimization –Application performance Netlogger
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov Work Packages (cont) WP4: Interoperability between Grid Domains (INFN) –GRID resource discovery –Access policies, authorization & security Identify major problems Develop inter-Grid mechanisms able to interoperate with domain specific rules –Interworking between domain specific Grid services –Test Applications Interoperability, performance & scalability issues
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov Work programme: details The lambda availability is expected in the second half of 2002 Initially, test systems will be either at CERN or connect via GEANT GEANT is expected to provide VPNs (or equivalent) for Datagrid and/or access to the GEANT PoPs. Later, it is hoped that GEANT will provide dedicated lambdas for Datagrid Initially a 2.5 Gb/sec POS link WDM later, depending on equipment availability
Tiziana FerrariThe DataTAG Projct, Roma Nov INFN: Participation - draft CNAF, Padova, Milano, Torino (?) 8 or 9 contracts available Wp1, Wp2, Wp4 Wp2: 2 fte, CNAF (S.Andreozzi, S.Cammarata) Wp4: –4.1: resource discovery: A.Cavalli, Cischini, + 1 fte –4.2: security/authorization: R.Cecchini, Spataro, INFN security group –4.3: internetworking of collective services: Wp1 DataGrid 1 fte CNAF Milano and Padova (2 fte + 2 fte)