Systematic Terrestrial Observations: a Case for Carbon René Gommes with C. He, J. Hielkema, P. Reichert and J. Tschirley FAO/SDRN
Overview The context: IGOS and GTOS, and the objective of TCI The terrestrial Carbon cycle Methodological issues: relevance of satellites, data requirements, scaling Looking ahead...
The IGOS Partnership Established in 1998 Rationale: no single country or Organization has sufficient expertise or resources to make the observations needed to understand the complex processes of global change Partners : Global observing systems (GTOS, GCOS, GOOS), International scientific organisations, National space agencies, UN agencies.
Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) The GTOS mission is to provide policy makers, resource managers and researchers with access to data they need to detect, quantify, locate, understand and warn of changes (especially reductions) in the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to support sustainable development GTOS is a member of IGOS and is strengthening the linkages between scientists who work at the site or ecosystem level and those who work with satellite imagery by developing collaborative demonstration projects such as on Net Primary Productivity and the Terrestrial Carbon Initiative
1. Large-area experiments 2. Long-term research centres 3. Field stations 4. Periodic, unstaffed sample sites 5. Frequent low resolution remote sensing The GTOS hierarchical observing strategy
Terrestrial Carbon Initiative, TCI An IGOS initiative led by GTOS and GCOS, space agencies and UN organisations, with the contribution of IGBP members, to contribute to the implementation of Kyoto Protocol and improve understanding of terrestrial Carbon cycle by… assessing the key information requirements co-ordinating efforts aimed at systematically collecting relevant data and information identifying data gaps promoting collaboration among the IGOS partners
Objective of TCI Demonstrate feasibility of continuous monitoring of spatial and temporal variations of terrestrial carbon cycle by 2004 with near-km resolution and good accuracy Improve on required models and observations (site location, sensors, variables...)
Overview The context: IGOS and GTOS, and the objective of TCI The terrestrial Carbon cycle Methodological issues: relevance of satellites, data requirements, scaling Looking ahead...
Terrestrial carbon balance NBP GtC/year
Net primary production potential 0.5 degree resolution Source: FAO/SDRN, based on IIASA Climate Database and the “Miami model” (1972)
Soil Carbon Content Source: FAO/AGLS, W.Sombroek, F.Nachtergaele and A.Hebel, 1993
Soil carbon fluxes gC year -1 m -2 Source: J.Raich and C.Potter, 1995
Continental South Asia above-ground biomass density Source: FAO/ Forest Resources Assessment
Net Primary Production potential (East Lake Victoria, 1km res.) Source: FAO/SDRN; “Miami model” and FAOCLIM spatialized with SPOT/VEGETATION
Overview The context: IGOS and GTOS, and the objective of TCI The terrestrial Carbon cycle Methodological issues: relevance of satellites, data requirements, scaling Looking ahead...
Relevance of continuous satellite and ground observations Vegetation, land use and soils undergo seasonal and long-term changes, some of which are man-made Model calibration more accurate with continuous data Stratification of ground samples and area averaging
Inter-annual variability of Vegetation Index Source: FAO/SDRN based on NOAA/NDVI imagery
Need for improvements Database of land cover and changes, losses (fire) Estimates of carbon pools and fluxes Coupled carbon circulation and biomass models (ground and satellite inputs: LAI, solar radiation, water balance…) Improved capacity for ground observations
Problems to be solved Geo-referenciation of ground databases Integration of biomass, ecosystem and global atmospheric carbon models Scale conversions (pixel to country): up- scaling and downscaling
Scaling down: increasing spatial resolution
Scaling up: natural forest biomass Low ( 35 tons/ha) Source: FAO Forest Resources Assessment
Overview The context: IGOS and GTOS, and the objective of TCI The terrestrial Carbon cycle Methodological issues: relevance of satellites, data requirements, scaling Looking ahead...
By 2008, operational implementation of the concepts, data collection and methods will be finalized… TCI can improve the quantitative assessment (mapping and monitoring) of terrestrial carbon sources and sinks and contribute towards carbon accounting
Carbon pools and fluxes