Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Malacostraca K
Were It Came From Originally from China Main source of water found in: Yangtze River
Where Has It Been Sighted Greenwich, U.K. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, U.S. Hudson River, New York, New York, U.S. Throughout Northern Europe
THE FOOD WEB OF CHINESE MITTEN CRAB Chinese Mitten Crab Salmon Humans Aquatic Plants Trout smaller fish Algae
A Successful Invader Clogs drains Destroys fishing nets Damages and destroys catch Kills off many numbers of trout & salmon population survives in waters filled with cadmium and mercury ( does not destroy medals when ingested so dangerous to eat)
The Predator Becomes Prey Prey to: Sturgeon Stripped bass Channel catfish Bullfrogs Raccoons River otters Wading birds
Fishing Restrictions In California you are allowed to fish for the mitten crab Has established population off the coast of California Has been released into the Great lakes many times have not established population
Culinary Arts In Shanghai cuisine known as delicacy: –Prized female crab roe –Crab meat = cooling (yin) effect on body