Easter in the UK and In Russia.
… is a spring holiday. It is celebrated in/on …
Bunny Cross Hot Saint Egg Boss Leg Honey Not Paint
Easter symbols and traditions.
Easter eggs To the Christian, the egg represents the rebirth of the earth and of man.
Easter Bunny Children believed that if they were good, the Easter Bunny would lay a nest of colored eggs. Easter Bunny custom led to other traditions such as Easter baskets and gift giving.
Easter Basket
Children like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and a lot of sweets.
On Easter festival people decorate churches with white lilies and all the families go there
After church people walk down the streets in their new Easter bonnets and suits.
One of the Easter traditions is eating hot cross buns. There is a white cross on a hot cross bun.
Simnel cake
Roast lamb
Easter rolling
Easter hunt
Easter Easter is in spring. In Britain, Easter starts on Good Friday. People often eat hot – cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs for Easter and the children can eat them on Easter Sunday. Some families have an” Easter egg hunt”. The parents hide Easter eggs and the children look for them.
Answer the questions: When is Easter? When do people eat hot – cross buns? When can children eat their Easter eggs? What is an Easter egg hunt?
Easter hunt
Пасха в России
Пасха – праздник весенний Великий четверг – день духовного очищения, принятия таинства. Пятница – еще одно напоминание о страданиях Иисуса Христа. Суббота – день печали. . Воскресенье – Светлое Воскресение Христово.
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Пасхальные цветы
Пасхальный стол
Значение росписи на яйцах Кленовый лист – символ гармонии. Сосна – символ долголетия. Звезда – человеколюбие. Солнце к урожаю. Гребень петуха – защита от нечистой силы
Виды орнаментов при росписи
Put down your homework. Ex.26, p.152 (SB) (make up a postcard for any spring holiday)
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