Game Design Concept Pertemuan 5 Matakuliah: T0944-Game Design and Programming Tahun: 2010
Game Idea Game ideas come from almost anywhere, but they don’t walk up and introduce themselves. Creativity is an active process. One idea is not enough. Ideas are free, so thinks constantly.
Game Idea Many game ideas begins as dreams. Game ideas from other media: –Books, movies, televisions, and other entertainment media are a great source of inspirations for game ideas. Game ideas from other games: –Playing games is a valuable experience for game designer. Game idea only the start. It is not enough to make a game.
Game, Toys, Puzzles Game –Is a form of participatory, or interactive entertainment. –Take place in an artificial universe that is governed by rules. Toys –Other kind of interactive entertainment that played without rules Puzzles –A puzzle does not have one definite rule, but it has correct solution that is tried to be found.
The Elements of Game Rules Challenges, game-play, and victory conditions. Setting, interaction model, and perspective. The player’s role. Modes and Structure Realism A word about story
Core versus Casual Gamers Core Gamers –Play a lot of games. –Don’t like games that are easy. –Like games that are challenging. Casual Gamers –Play for the sheer enjoyment of playing a game. –Playing a game must be entertaining, whether it is competitive or not.
Type of Video Game Machine (Coin-Operated) Arcade Machines. (Home Game) Consoles. (Personal) Computers. Mobile or Handheld Devices
Motivations that influence Design Market-Driven Games Designer-Driven Games License Exploitation Technology-Driven Games Art-Driven Games
Goals of Game Design A game must sell well, so the designer must consider the audience’s preference. A game must present an imaginative, coherent experience, so the designer must have a vision. A game with a license must pay back the license's cost, so the designer must understand what benefit it brings and exploit them to his best advantage.
Goals of Game Design A game must offer an intelligent challenge and a smooth, seamless experience, so the designer must understand the technology. A game must be attractive, so the designer must think about the aesthetic style.
Game Concept Worksheet What is the nature of the game-play? What challenges will the player face? What action will the player take to overcome them? What is the victory condition of the game? What is the player trying to achieve? What is the player’s role? Is the player pretending to be someone or something? How does the player’s role help to define the game-play? What is the game’s setting? Where does it take places? What is the player’s interaction model? Omnipresent? Through an avatar? Something else? Some combination?
Game Concept Worksheet What is the game primary perspective? How will the player view the game’s world on the screen? Will there be more than one perspective? What is the general structure of the game? What is going on in each mode, and what function does each mode fulfill? Is the game competitive, cooperative, team-based, or single-player? If multiple players are allowed, are they using the same machine with separate controls or different machines over a network? Does the game have a narrative or story as its goes along? Does the game fall into an existing genre?
Game Concept Worksheet Why would anyone want to play this game? What sort of people would be attracted to this game?